She Sat...

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She sat in the back of class one day, wishing she was loved. She had been told she wasn't by everyone. The girl was only in fifth grade when she got beat up. She couldn't tell her mom. Instead, she said she fell off the swings. Believable. Better than the truth.

And that was the day she was first beaten physically.

She sat in the back of class, wishing she was somewhere else. Things were looking up for the now 6th grade child. She stared whimsically at a sea shell, imagining a faerie inside. She imagined all day and began to write a book series in her head.

She thought that book series was starting stupid, but she developed it and fell in love with it. Every pause in conversation, every breath taken, every period at the end of a sentence, she wrote in that story in her head. Things were finally looking up.

That was the day she invented her imagination. And she loved it.

She sat in the back of her math class, seventh grade boredom hitting her like a truck without breaks. She was so tired. She hadn't slept well at all. She usually did. She stared at the teacher, his mundane words floating in one ear, pissing her off, and going out the other. She sighed, lazily choosing not to pay attention.

She had recently discovered youtube and would go home after school and watch that. Youtube was fun. Less homework meant more youtube, but she had a lot of homework. She decided to lie and say she didn't have any. Or that she did it all already.

She was bullied again, but she didn't care. She had youtube now. Lying was fine. It came naturally. Her only known skill.

That was the year she chose to stop working. She made a bad choice that specific day, starting the slacking off.

She sat in the back of class, crying because she was so alone. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. No one loved her. She was nothing. She was insignificant. She decided to give up, contemplating scuicide. She was still writing her book series, though. The one she started two years ago. She was enjoying that. She thought it would go on forever, dispite the amount of loved characters she killed off. But she was still crying because no one loved her.

Time was flying by quicker and she was losing more and more sleep. She was up till midnight, panicing for no known reason. She would cry herself to sleep thinking of her own insignificance. She was still behind in school with no hope of regaining her reputation. Few friends, no happiness, a story full of death and sadness. What was there left for her? Nothing.

That was when she decided she should give up.

She sat in the back of her ninth grade class, hoping no one would notice her writing the start of a new story. She scribbled down ideas for a fan fiction, markiplier based. She took careful notes of her ideas, leaving nothing important out. She was putting a lot of effort into plot and wrote it eventually. It didn't get very many reads and she felt sad. She started some one shots as a side project. They got very very popular, by her standards. She never really felt that loved. Never before.

The story in her head was on book number 367 when the main character died. She didn't intend to kill her off, but it happened. She was up till five in the morning that cold November night, unable to cry anymore. Three hundred sixty seven books over a span of what? Three years? For nothing. She began writing a new series. It would never compare. She would stay awake till at LEAST two in the morning every night after that, somehow not capable of sleeping. To this day, she still can't sleep.

Out of respect, she took the main character's name as her own. She left her old title. She was no longer 'Iris', she was now known as 'Raven'. That title stuck with her still to this day.

That was the year she felt loved. That was the year she became a murderer, killing all the characters in her books. That was the year she became herself and felt more free. That was the year she made friends and started new families online and at school. That was the year she developed a crush on one of her best friends. That was the year she stayed behind in school, but improved anyway. That was the year...

And here she is now. Loving you. Wishing you loved her as much as she loves you. Because you can't love her as much as she loves you. Because you are her online family. And she couldn't have done this without you.

Thank you.

Note: If you want to hear about the books in my head, I would be glad to share! More than seven comments and I do it! And I mean seven by different people, ok? I love you all! Ta ta!

(And I am writing a story called If You're Reading This, You're Family. So if you like me and my work, please support me by reading that.)

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