Markiplier:reader Horrible Friends

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Wade and bob, you and Mark were all in a room together. Bob had that top notch idea of playing truth or dare. Like any self respecting (maybe not so self respecting) friend, you agreed and... well... it escalated quickly.

Now you and Mark were standing in front of the camera, bob and wade behind you. Mark's dare from Wade was to kiss you, and as both if you had originally declined, he made a promise to take you both to chipotle afterwards. That got you both to do it.

You could feel that nervousness bubbling inside you, same as the day you met. But this was more intense. He was your crush for the longest time, and while you knew a dare was nothing for real, you pretended in your mind that is was. It felt like a fanfiction, almost, even though it wasn't.

He was inches away from you, breathing shakily as the camera recorded every glimpse of this. You were recording this. Posting it later. Why?

You asked yourself how you got there, but your mind was growing fuzzy. He was less than two inches away now. You could feel his breath on your face. It smelt of mint because of the gum you gave him earlier.

And then, it happened. Just like that. A second of shock passed through you, even though you saw it coming, as he pressed his soft lips against your lush ones. You kissed back, knowing that he was going to regret letting wade even get near the footage.

You smiled into the kiss, and when you had to pull away for breath, you heard clapping coming from the direction of your stupid, idiot friends.

"You did it! You're a big boy now, Mark!" Said wade, laughing uncontrollably.

"Shut up, wade," Mark muttered under his breath. Both of your faces were red as a tomato.

It was right then you knew that chipotle wasn't the only thing you and Mark were going to have on your minds, tonight.

(Alt ending:
It was right then you knew, you were ready for the next one shot in this book.)

{{{hey y'all! I just wanted you to know that I haven't done anything like this before, so this is different. I am writing a different fanfic on my page, so you can check those out too.
Stay swigitty swag, brochachos.
Raven out :3}}}

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