A/N: Seriously Tho/Truth Bomb

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Dear readers,

If you enjoy me and/or my story at all, please just read this whole thing. 

I really need some new ideas for chapters. Like, now. Seriously. This isn't me suggesting you help, this is me begging. 

Right now, I just want to write my own things. I want to be creative and express interesting plots and play with sentence structure and mess around with words. But no one cares about that. What people care about is fanfiction, so that's what I write. 

And it's not fun anymore. 

It's a god damn chore. I wake up every morning and think "I want to write to write today!" But that's when I remember that I don't have anyone who is willing to read what I write. So then I consider writing in my story that people actually care about. But I never have ideas for that anymore. 

So I don't have a reason to try. 

And the worst of it is when I get a comment like "Wow! You're such a good author. I seriously LOVE your writing. Keep it up!" No. No you don't. You don't like my writing. You like losing yourself in someone else's imagination. You like being part of something. You need to. And so do I. 

You don't see the effort I put into these chapters. Not because of passion now, as it used to be, but now because I have to muster up enough courage to actually sit down and tackle this chore. And then I have to consider ideas. I have to ask you for ideas. And then I have to find the motivation to actually write for the people that supposedly love my writing but choose not to read anything I actually put passion into. And then they have the AUDACITY to tell me to "keep up the good work"? 

I'm barely able to do this, guys. I tell you I love writing, but not this anymore. I have tried every single thing to write for you guys. I have done romance, comedy, heartbreak, horror, and even broken the fourth wall more times than I care to count. But I don't have anything new. I need new

I write for you for two main reasons, among others. 

1. I write for you because fanfictions are the most beautiful thing I know about in this world. No, really. I am serious. Fanfictions are amazing because you get to leave your world and enter whichever one you want. You get to be part of something. It's something you dream about. It's something you want to be real and it is for as long as you read the story. Fantasy becomes reality for a short time and you get to be a part of that. And I love providing you with this. 

2. I love you all. As much as it pains me to sit down and tackle another chapter, wrestling the ideas until they are splattered across the screen, I love being the person that you choose to support. I love knowing that I get to be important to people. People read my story and actually enjoy it. I think that may actually be part of why it hurts so bad when people don't read any of my other works. I can't tell if you care about me or the story at this point. But I guess it doesn't matter. I still work for you. 

I want you to know that I don't always feel this way. I don't always find this to be a chore. Sometimes I think it's my favourite thing in the world. But I only feel that way rarely. When I do, it almost always fades immediately. 

I don't know how I can make you happy and make myself happy at the same time. I make you happy by cranking out chapter after chapter of this fanfic, milking the fourth wall and myself being part of my creation. I make myself happy by writing what I want to actually write. But I don't feel happy writing for just me now that I know how it feels to make other people happy with what I write. That feels wonderful, so I feel crushed when no one cares about the stories I want them to care about. 

I want to write about world encased in trees or a man who can see only in infrared. I want to write about an author inside her own story, now being written by someone else. I want to write about a tidally locked planet or a girl with magic eyes or a haunted house that no one can escape because it has an infinite, labyrinth-like interior that no one can find the way out of. But I have stopped all these stories because no one seems to care about them. 

So fanfiction it is, guys. The same one. Just one single fanfic that I have to stick with. And I don't have ideas. And I am limited and cut off from my imagination, forced into a single box of genre. So this brings me back to the beginning. 

Can you please give me an idea?


A worn out author. 

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