Dark Defines Love

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{{{Aka: I define love through Darkiplier so you will actually read it. This is really important guys.}}}

Love isn't something that can be defined. There isn't an instantaneous example I can give that will satisfy someone who wants to know what love actually is without having ever experienced it themself.

If I had to say what my take on love is, there are a couple ways I could define it to make someone understand it.

Love is a mess of things that you feel in your stomach when someone is around you. You know you love them if they make you excited and terrifyed, all at the same time. If this person makes your heart jump and your stomach churn and you sweat and shake and shy away from them, it is love. But that's the bad definition.

The good one is this:

Love is red. Love is the colour red. And red is defined like this:

It's the thing you feel when you see her across the room. It's the heartbeat that's not there when she is near you. It's the feeling you get when she touches your arm and the emotion you feel when she stops. It's the feeling of want that can drive someone mad and the pain that you feel when you're not sure if she feels the same about you as you do about her. It's the colour of your heart when she says yes and dates you for the first time. It's the colour of her lips on the first kiss and the colour of your cheeks when she touches your skin. It's the feeling you feel when the intamacy starts and the colour of passion when the two of you are in the bed. It's the trace you want her to leave on your body, her fingers running down your skin and the feeling it leaves behind. It's the joy that you feel when you and her are together and the colour of your relationship when you feel like she can do better. It's the shock that you feel when you hear her talking to someone you don't know on the phone about things she used to say to you. It's the colour of your heart when you see her with him in the same bed within the same week you hear of him. It's the knowledge that you weren't hers and she could never be yours. It's the sound you make inside when she says she can explain. It's the massive blow to the head you suffer when you storm out of the room without saying a goodbye. It's the sound of the shattering glass when you knock over your vase at home out of rage and the colour of your blood when you cut yourself on the shards. It's the sound you hear when you think of her voice. It's the feeling in your lungs when you scream and cry to the point of pain. It's the colour of the hole she left in your heart when she betrayed your trust and the feeling that she will never love you like you thought she did. It's the rage you feel and the sorrow you have to carry and the pain and scars she left on your body where once you felt the trace of her touch. It's that thing you didn't want to do and heard about when you were a kid. It's the fullness of joy and the emptiness that follows and everything in between. It's the burden you have to carry with you. That's what red is. That's what love is. Love is red.

I didn't really know how to describe it any other way.

Take it or leave it, that's what love is. And the chances are that you are feeling something along those lines right now.

Love is just lonliness without all the pain.


The end.

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