A/N: Dammit

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Raven: God fucking dammit!!

Mark: What's wrong?

Raven: I finally did an authors more (this one) in the style of my hero, Shadana

Mark: How is that bad?

Raven: It's bad because I'm taking an idea.

Mark: You're not TAKING it PERSAY, BORROWING it.

Raven: Whatver. My point is that I need to make an A/N so shut up and let me write.

Mark: Fine. Don't get yer panties in a wad.

Raven: Don't ever say that again. Anyway, what I came here to say, IS THAT I AM HAVIN SERIOUS WRITERS BLOCK FOR RayRay131414 because I wanted to do a custom for her and I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING. HELP. PLEASE.

Loki: *walks in* Hi guys. I-- *sees Raven in a hissy fit* *slowly back out of the room*

Raven: Poo poo. Please help.

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