New Story Vote?!!?!?!!

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I want to write a new _____xReader fanfic, but who should the blank be? I want you all to vote. I want to hear suggestions. It could be another Mark one or something. Maybe I should give a couple options. Umm... Also, please only vote if you plan on reading what I write. You mean a lot to me. :)

Ok. So. Options.

A. Markimoo (maybe Dark too!)
B. Jon Cozart (?) ((idfk, bro))
C. Jacksepticeye (whom I hardly watch anymore because I DONT HAVE ANY FUCKING TIME

Please suggest things tho. Those were just examples and I'm really stuck here. Thanks! I love you all so much, lovelies.

Waitwaitwait. Don't leave. Did I say you could? Nope! I have a couple more announcements.

Expect the next Mark Hatter chapter soon. And I'm sorry in advance.

I'm finishing up the suggested titles which is awesome and was fun so expect more of that in the future.

I fixed all the wattpad issues so i can read comments now, something I can't stress enough. YOUR COMMENTS MEAN MORE TO ME THAN VOTES, PEOPLE.

My Star Trek obsession is sad and consuming my life.

I'm out now bai. ✌️

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