Warfstache(VS)Darkiplier Rap Battle

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(If this sucks, I will re write it until it's perfect)

Dark: Hey, there, old man! Are you Wilford Warfstache, hun? Are you here for the glitter or the sparkles or the fun. Cause there ain't none. I'm here to cream you, to own you, to make you feel pain. Are you sure you can win with that dumb little brain?

Warfstache: Oh, isn't that funny that you call me dumb when your the one with the bad grammar, you bum. You feed off of Mark to make yourself stronger, but instead of that, I am him; let's see who'll live longer. The fandom created you. You don't even exist. Now run along, Darkie, before you make me pissed.

Dark: Ha! Don't make me laugh at you. Shutting up is the least you could do. Now let me tell you a thing or two about how I'm going to win. I come for the nightmare land, a place no one can go in. No one but me and my darkness crew with the shadows and night at our sides. Do you really think you can beat me? When I am seen, even slender hides. Run away now and maybe I'll spare your life. I'm a demon, I'm creamin' your crazy ass. A blast from the past? That's what your wardrobe's about. Are you frightened? You should be. A penitentiary wouldn't let me out.

Warfstache: Yeah I'm crazy! You got a problem? You're fallin', old bat. And I'm not lazy, but rather happy and all that. You say that you're dark, but that's only your name. You're really not Mark, but somehow got fame. I didn't work, I lied. Shot a man and then I died and I'm still ten times better than a ungrateful witch. You're a bitch. Yes I said that. You're really nothing more than a reused whore only real in the fanfictions that everyone tries to write. Are you that much in your mind? So much better than what we all know, so you put on a show and let your ego grow you low man with no skillz at B To Blow.

(Comment who you thought won!)

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