Darkiplier:Reader Let's Play A Game

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~~Someone is there. Whenever you get that feeling that someone is there behind you, there is. Whenever you hear something that isn't really there, see something in the mirror, something out of the corner of your eye, it's something. Something really real. I am Mark Edward Fischbach, and I didn't mean for her to get caught up in it. But my shadow found her before I could, and I feel so bad...~~

Your pov:

I sat on my bed, trying to focus on anything but the horrifying banging sounds coming from the apartment next to mine. I hoped it was just the weirdo playing his video games, but something didn't feel right with how consistent the banging was. Almost patterned. I banged back once. The banging stopped.

I sighed and laid my head back against the pillow. I was so tired, but I couldn't sleep. I didn't know why. It's like something was keeping me up. I hoped it would go away soon.

I was just about to fall asleep when there was a knock at the door.

Mark's pov:

I stood there, watching the figure on my bed bang his fist rhythmically against the wall. I tried to stop him, but I couldn't. He just kept going.

"WHY?!" I shouted, pleading for him to quit.

"Why not?" He asked calmly, looking at me with crimson eyes. He looked like me. Why did he look like me?

"There's someone in there. She needs to sleep, unlike you," I muttered the last bit, but he heard me anyway.

"If I can't sleep, no one can."

I heard a groan from the other side of the wall. Whoever the new girl was, she didn't like me very much. Mostly because of him. That... Thing.

"GOD DAMMIT LEAVE HER ALONE!" I shouted again. She wouldn't hear me over the sound of the banging.

"N--" The shadow was about to protest when a sudden bang returned itself from the other side. The creature stopped.

"Go away, beast," I muttered. He shook his head. My head. His head...

"I'm Darkiplier," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"How original," I said, crossing my arms.

"Ah yes. Talking to me about originality. You aren't any better. Just another gamer. Another youtuber. You are nothing."

"Shut up."

"Ok. Well... I'm telling the truth."


"Neither is she." The creature pointed at the wall.


"She's nothing."

"Don't say that about her."

"You haven't met her."

"I will."

"Not before me."

The shadow left, and I was alone, trying to think.

Your pov:

I slowly got up, going to answer the door. Groggily, I stepped out of the bed, throwing on my shorts. I opened the door, but no one was there.

"H-hello?" I asked, wiping my right eye with my right hand. "DONT KNOCK IF YOU WONT STAY!!"

"Awfully loud for someone who doesn't like noises."

A deep voice from behind me spoke, causing me to jump. I whipped around to see a man lounging on my bed, arms behind his head, eyes closed, so relaxed, it seemed he could really be the owner of the apartment.

"Who--How--" I tried to form a sentence, but fear was too much and I backed up. the door slammed shut behind me.

"Ok. Shut up. You're annoying. I'm only here for one reason, but let me explain," he said.

The man stood up, and I finally got a look at his crimson eyes behind his glasses. He smiled menacingly, revealing a set of perfect white teeth. Minus, that it, the two extremely sharp canine teeth, almost like a vampire. I couldn't see in the dim lamp light, but his face seemed almost grey, like a stone statue, only human flesh. His jet black hair was wild, choosing its own path on its journey to god knows where.

"Who are you?" I asked. He took a step forward, and I, one step back. The man seemed so scary, yet, at the same time, so relaxed and intriguing.

"Hon, I'm something called a Shadow Entity." The figure's face went serious. "My name is Darkiplier, but you may call me Dark. And this isn't out of kindness, it's because, when you're running from your biggest nightmares, you'll be too out of breath to say my real title. I know it needs to be shorter. I really should change it."

The creature stepped towards me again, but I felt a surge of courage.

"Well, I'm a lot cleverer than I look, so whatever you throw my way, I'm sure to beat!" I shouted. He let out a rumble from the back of his throat. Like a growl-like laugh.

"Dear," he began. "I'm here because I'm bored. I'm here because I'm bored, and when I get bored, I play with my prey before I kill and devour it. Guess who's the prey tonight?"

"What do you want?"

"You have to play my game."

"How do I win?"

"You don't."

"Is there a way?"

"That's for me to know and you to never find out."

"We'll see about that."

"Oh we will?"

"Yeah. I'm not scared of you."

"You should be."

"Well, what are you waiting for then?"

Suddenly, the man disappeared, and I found myself in a dark forest. I could only hear his voice resonating from all around me, saying one last thing to me before the nightmares started:

"Let's play a game."

~~Should I continue this idea? Tell me your worst nightmare and I'll make it part of the story! I hope you like this! I put a lot of effort into it! Ta!~~

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