???:Reader Scared of The Things Under The Bed

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They live under the bed. In your closet and your dresser. Always in your head, they sit there and fester. They rarely come out, and when they do, they don't play. Instead they watch and wait, never going away. The night crawling things are a curious lot. They want you to live, believe it or not. See, if you're alive, they can feed on your fears, and the terrors you have can collect through the years. And they scare and they haunt and they won't go away. They will stalk you get you on one fateful day.

Mark left and you sat alone, counting drops of rain that streamed dismally down the cracked window. Cracked for unknown reasons, left a mystery to you since last August. The apartment was cold and lonely, the lights off as the sun set behind a sheen of grey clouds the sky had been saving for three weeks.

"I wish Mark would come back soon..." You muttered, silently cursing the weather. He had gone to the store to get groceries for you. He was a very responsible friend, as you both loved each other platonically.

You got yourself all ready for bed as the last light of the dying sun graced the windowsil. A dog barked somewhere in the busy city of Los Angeles below you, begging for his freedom from the fence he was stuck inside of. The dark and silent room was illuminated by your phone as you got a text from Mark.

'I am staying at a friend's house tonight. See ya! -M'

You shuddered at the thought of being alone in the apartment. You were rarely alone, a feeling which was only nice to you during the daytime when you could easily see all the things in the house. You see, you had never told Mark of that one crippling fear you had.

The darkness.

The unknown.

The things under the bed. In the closet. In your head. Those things that could get you in your sleep. Claws and teeth unseen to human eyes hid, waiting out of sight. As unlikely as it was, this was a fear that bothered you immensely. And the less illuminated the bedroom got, the more scared you grew.

Finally, you managed to drift into the clutches of sleep, tossing and turning as nightmares plagued your innocent mind. You had the worst nightmare about things in the dark when you suddenly woke up, staring into the shadowy bedroom.

Pulling blankets tight under your chin, you looked around the room at the shadows shaped like things that shouldn't be there. Paranoia seeped through the shadows and into your eyes and ears, crawling into your brain and causing you to whimper out of sheer terror for a shirt draped on a chair that looked as though a man was standing in the room.

You glanced at the stuffed animal on your bed, a strange creature with a long tail and big eyes and ears, silver fur glimmering in the faint light from street lamps outside.

Wait a minute.

You stared at the stuffed animal, trying to place a finger on just what was wrong with it. Maybe the fur was messed up. Maybe an eye was missing. Perhaps it was the tail or the paws or...

...the fact that you didn't own any stuffed animals.

You leapt off your bed, running to the light switch and flicking it on, but the light showed that there was nothing there. Had you imagined the scrupulous detail? You decided you must have. Until you noticed it was climbing the wall right next to you.

Your scream filled the apartment, causing you to fall over and the creature to snap it's head all the way around. Heads weren't meant to go that far. You screamed again and it hissed, a huge smile revealing several sharp teeth. It scampered up the wall and hung upside down on the ceiling, small claws digging into the plaster. It's large blue eyes stared into your soul with no emotion at all, appearing almost dead.

"What the fuck..." you muttered, voice shakey. You couldn't figure out what was happening.

Brain racing, heart pounding, you slipped out of the bedroom, slamming the door shut on the beast. You turned, darkness clouding your vision as sunspots danced in your eyes. You stumbled forward, trying to figure out where the light switch was, but you smacked straight into something. Something that wasn't supposed to be there.

With no time left to find a light switch, you looked at the thing you ran into. Your eyes began to adjust as you backed away from it, but every step you took away was one more step it took towards you.

A giant shadowy figure with two big, white, pupiless eyes and a large toothy grin stared at you. You squealed, unable to make real noises or words. It continued to walk towards you. Until it suddenly vanished.

There was a brief moment in which the panic lifted. You thought about whether or not your were safe now. It was gone. It was gone... You finally started breathing normally again. Normally, that is, until you noticed something very important and absolutely horrific. A detail that you somehow missed and had ignored for these few agonizing seconds. A detail that made you scream at the top of your lungs.

There was someone else breathing right behind you.

You shot up, darting away from the shadowy figure. You flung the door open, but it was standing right there. You kept repeating to yourself that "Nightmares always end. Nightmares always end."

You were about to run and hide, but the monster grabbed your shoulder firmly, whipping you around. It opened its jaws, screeching at you. You screamed again, and then woke up.

You sat there, breathing heavily, covers pulled up tightly under your chin. You glanced around the room at all the creepy shadows, a shirt on a chair making it appear to be a person standing there.

"Nightmares always end..." You muttered one last time. Just then, you glanced over at the stuffed animal on your bed, big blue eyes staring into your own.

Nightmares don't always end.

The end.

I spent months perfecting this one. I hope you all liked it. I wish I could read your comment replies. I can read your initial comments, but not any replies. That's the problem, I guess. Anyway, I love you guys so much. BYE BYE!

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