Chaos Crew: Freshening Up

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It's not like writing is easy all the time. Ideas don't just appear in the mailbox one day. For those of you who do write, you understand. It's not easy. It requires practice. I have been practicing my art for so many years now. Sometimes, it feels pointless. I want to give up because I get stuck. But guess what? I'm never going to give up. I love you guys so much, it would be counter-intuitive to stop writing for you. I mean, you guys are what keeps this show on the road. I couldn't do this without you. So, without further adieu, I return. 


The huge oak table in the conference room would seat about 20-30 people if the giant tower was an actual company building. As it was, this company building was only for a few people. Not an actual company. 

Markiplier, Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache, Sexiplier, Reader, Author, and pretty much whomever else dares to enter the plot lines of these horribly orchestrated and drastically miscalculated adventures. These were the only people in the building. They were the only people that ever would be here. This is the group known as the chaos crew. A band of misfit idjits all trapped in the story that Raven, their author, would create. She liked people calling her Author. It made her ego even bigger. Author pissed everyone off. A lot. 

Right now, Mark, Dark, Wilford, Reader, and Raven were all sitting around the table like idiots. Since Raven decided to make an office sort of building for them, they had a conference room. And why not use it, right? 

"Any ideas for new chapters?" Raven asked. She stood up, her hands on the table like an angry CEO ready to fire someone. 

"We could always do more romantic chapters," Dark offered. Raven shot him a glance. 

"Possibly." She ran a hand through her new short haircut, pushing it to the left. She was almost achieving the 'Markiplier level floof' status she desired. "We'll put that idea on the bench."

"We could go on some silly adventure, right?" Wilford asked. Raven nodded. 

"We can't go wrong with that. On the bench it goes."

"What about some sort of interesting plot with multiple parts?" Mark stated. "Something the reader can really get into."

"We should ask which idea she likes the most," Raven said, turning to her right to face the reader. "Which would you like the most?" 

"What are my options?" The reader inquired. 

"Romantic, multiple part adventure, or some zany adventure," Raven replied. "And how about another option?"

"Ok," reader said, waiting. 

"How about we add the option of a smut parody." Raven smiled, content with this idea. 

"What's a 'smut parody'?" Dark asked. 

"It's like funny smut. Like... Wilford. I explained this to you. You take this one." Raven passed the figurative torch of speech to Mr. Warfstache. 

"Oh. Well... It's like a literal parody. You've read smut, right? Well, a smut parody is where it's making fun of the entirety of a sex story. For example, imagine every time it would say 'penis', or anything to the effect of such, instead it would say 'dingly-danlgy-diddly-ding-dong'. That's a smut parody. They're hilarious. I personally love them."

"It's hilariously fun to read and monstrously difficult to write," Raven added. 

"So what's your choice, reader?" Mark asked. 

There was and particularly uncomfortable, long silence that followed. Everyone exchanged glances, still watching the reader for a response of some sort. Unfortunately, she did nothing. Raven sighed and leaned over the table, head head dangling a little and she laughed. 

"I forgot. The reader can't tell us her opinion," Raven said. Dark looked at her oddly. 

"Why can't she reply?" He inquired. 

"Because," Wilford started, "Raven can't speak for the reader. She's not a character. Raven writes all our words, but the reader is literally reading this, so Raven has to really be careful what she narrates for the reader."

"It's really unstable ground," Raven continued, "to write stories with the reader in it. Since I can't speak for you." She turned to face the reader who sat still in her chair. "So you'll have to put your answer in the comments."

"I can do that!" Reader shouted excitedly. "That's easier than trying to have you guess!"

Raven turned around and faced the fourth wall, staring at the actual reader through their screen. Raven smiled and waved. 

"I like the room you're in," she commented. "It looks rather nice. Also, I love what you've done with your hair! It's really nice. You look super nice today. Anyway, my parents are out of the house and I'm bored and I figured I might as well restart a little. Just freshen up this story. Kick things back into gear. So... I hope you're having a lovely day! See ya later!" 

Raven waved goodbye and then left, knowing better than to stay too long. 

I love you guys so much. <3

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