Reader1: Reader2: Mark1: Mark2 Paradox

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Reader 1 pov

What the fuck is going on? What is that? Is that me? No. It can't be. There is no way that's me.

These were some of my thoughts as I stood and stared into the gigantic full length mirror. It took up our entire bedroom wall, wasn't there the night before, and was moving on it's own.

Mark and I had woken up to the reflections of ourselves talking. They were talking about how this wasn't possible and how they didn't too much care for a giant mirror appearing in their room. The only difference between us was the hair parts. Same clothes, same person, same soul. Weird.

I touched the mirror, the glass still between us. It felt like a window now. No one had said anything since we woke up. I decided to break the silence.

Reader 1: What is this?

Reader 2: I have no fuckin clue, m8.

Mark 2: Whatever it is, it's freaking me out, man.

Mark 1: Me too.

Reader 1: No shit, Sherlock. You're the same person.

Reader 2: Nice one! Up top! (High fives by smacking the mirror)

Mark 2: Oh god there's two of them. Hide the women and children! Got yourselves to safety!

Reader 1: Leave it to Mark to make jokes as we stare at ourselves.

Mark 1: Yeah. So... should we talk to each other? Should we exchange information about our lives? Like, there aren't procedure for this, ya know?

Reader 2: Well, other me, are you a person who works in a resteraunt and is a part time youtuber?

Reader 1: Yeah. Mark? No, ya doofus. I mean the reflection. Yeah... you have over six million subs?

Mark 2: Yes. So that mean we have the same life. Right?

Reader 2: There's only one way to be sure. Other me? Do you still remember exactly what the card you got for your thirteenth birthday said?

Reader 1: Yes.

Reader 2: My god we are the same.

Mark 1: Well, we have places to be. Should we go?

Mark 2: I guess so...

Reader 2: Bye then.

All: Bye.

As Mark and I walked away from the mirror, he asked a question I didn't expect.

Mark: What did your thirteenth birthday card say that you wouldn't forget?

I took a long pause, wondering if I should tell him. He blinked a couple times, looking down at me. I sighed.

Reader: Fine. It said "Happy thirteenth. Get ready for bad luck, little weirdo. Love, dad"

Mark: That's a weird thing to say.

Reader: There are lots of weird things out there.

Mark and I looked back at the bedroom, my brain only focusing on where in the house we would be standing right now, what we would be talking about, in that other universe.

I guess we'd never really know.

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