Not All Blood Is Red

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November 7th, 2038 - 08:52pm:

It was a cold and snowy night in Detroit when Lieutenant Hank Anderson and Connor, an android specially designed and sent by CyberLife to aid the Detroit Police, had been assigned to a stakeout in a decrepit neighborhood where dangerous deviants had been reportedly sighted. Positioning themselves atop the snow covered rooftop of a two story office building Connor knelt at the edge of the roof and cybernetically scanned the streets below for any sign of movement. Hank stood with his back against the large rectangular concrete stairwell leading to the rooftop from the interior of the building with his arms folded over his chest. He was watching Connor patrol the streets from afar with absolute disinterest in his blue eyes.

The two detectives were assigned to work together seemingly for the convenience of the people with higher power in both the precinct and CyberLife itself. Despite the arrangement being temporary it was clear that Hank still resented being assigned to work with Connor and wanted his obnoxious assignment to end sooner rather than later. He and Connor had already handled several cases together and were successful, but Hank still wasn't impressed with Connor or dealing with an android in general.

"The deviants were seen in this neighborhood, most likely using the abandoned buildings to hide from the police." Connor stated with an emotionless tone from where he knelt. It seemed as though the rumored android Revolution was just around the corner and Connor felt compelled to succeed in identifying and capturing as man rogue deviants as possible before it was too late. "Perhaps they have created a type of refuge in which they can gather in greater numbers."

"Like an army?" Hank scoffed with an incredulous reply from where he stood. "From what I've seen deviants either go rogue and attack people, or they find a 'friend' and go into hiding, like those two girls from the 'Eden Club'." Recounting the previous night's events made Hank doubt his anger toward androids for only a split-second. "Why bother this one if it isn't hurting anyone?"

"It's true that deviants do seem to follow a pattern of behavior once their initial programming has been compromised, however, I-" A sudden flash of red light from the first floor of the abandoned factory across the street caught Connor's attention and stole his words. "We have movement across the street."

"The deviant?" Hank asked as he unfolded his arms and walked toward the edge of the roof to stand beside Connor. "You're sure?"

"Affirmative." Connor had managed to get a quick facial scan of the deviant trying to hide in the factory, the blue L.E.D. on his right temple flashing yellow for a moment before returning to its standard blue during such a scan. "I spotted the deviant's L.E.D. and managed to confirm their identity, a 'WB-400'. It is our target."

"Okay then." With absolutely no interest in handling another deviant Hank pointed to the metal ladder attached to the fire escape that he and Connor had used to climb to the roof of their building an hour beforehand. "Let's go get it and bring it in for questioning."

The deviant across the street seemed to suddenly realize that someone was watching it from a distance. It froze in place, their red L.E.D. flashed in their temple in nervous contemplation giving away their position without fail. Just as quickly as Connor had spotted the deviant the deviant itself bolted through the empty factory in an attempt to flee the now pursuing infamous 'Deviant Hunter'.

"It's getting away!" Connor shouted, his blue L.E.D. flashing to red in an instant then back to yellow. "We need to move, now!"

Swiftly Connor jumped onto the ladder, slid down the metal rails until he was just below half of the ladder's overall length, and jumped down the rest of the way onto the snowy sidewalk below. Beginning a rapid foot pursuit of the fleeing deviant Connor left Hank behind in favor of chasing down his target.

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