Pullstring x Abused! Runaway!Reader

Start from the beginning

"H-huh?"You stuttered getting up, "It's been so long since we meet another kid like us, what's you and your plushies name?"The boy asked. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and this is my buddy (P/N)"You said holding up your plushie. "Well, I'm Buttons, this is my koala, Steve. This is P.B and that's Jay and this is Pullstring the kid you fell on and that is Ask-A-Gator. Oh and by the way, Pullstring prefers to go by They/Them pronouns, remember that"Buttons introduced.

P.B studied your appearance more, he noticed the red bruise on your wrist, the wrist your (brother/sister) slapped. "What happened to your wrist?! It's red! Don't look Jay!"P.B said then covered his toy monkeys eyes from your throbbing sore wrist. "O-oh...Well..."You struggled to explain what happened, your eye contact was going off to the side like always. "You can explained what happened"Buttons said sitting you down in their circle with a bunch of other plushies. You took a deep breath and said what happened hugging your plushie.

P.B seemed to be horrified at the thought of your other plushies insides going everywhere and how violent (S/N) was with you. "But where on you gonna go? You can't possibly stay in the creek forever without a home!"Buttons said. "I-I don't know...I didn't really think things through I just left on the spot as soon as (he/she) hit me and destroyed my plushies"You said.

You were now wishing you had escaped sooner, you would've gotten enough time to plan out everything. "But then again, it is good that you left"P.B said, "Well you are correct about that..."You said changing your mind. "It's okay, we can help you find somewhere to stay"Buttons said. You noticed Pullstring hasn't said anything the whole time, you assumed they were just shy and didn't like to talk to people.

You played with your plushie with the other kids, P.B suggested you could stay at the cave, but you put that on the maybe list. As you were playing with Pullstring, the sunset fell, it was time for everyone to go home now. "It's home time already?"Buttons said getting up, "Why?"Pullstring made Ask-A-Gator say. You sighed and waved goodbye to your new friends, you got out your phone and mapped out your way to the creek so you could come back again.

You had already deleted (S/N)'s number so (he/she) couldn't contact you and tell you to come home. You sighed and walked out the creek to find somewhere you could stay or maybe buy some food for yourself, you'd be lying if you said you weren't getting hungry. You stuffed your plushie in your backpack and started your search.

As you were walking, you stumbled across your house, the place you escaped from. There were police cars and cops, all around your house. And (S/N) was in the police car. You quickly ran away from your house and turned the other way. You had now ran miles already you caught your breath feeling stupid for not having any food or water with you right now, "What am I gonna do now..."You mumbled looking around, you only had $10 left on you, maybe that could be used to buy you something.

You got back on your tired feet and began searching for some food, luckily you found a small place that served breakfast and lunch you walked inside with your $10 and got in line. People were staring at you and started whispering since you were all by yourself and without anyone to supervise you. When it was finally your turn to purchase something the cashier gave you an unsure look.

You ordered dinner for tonight and some breakfast for tomorrow morning. When your order was done you put your breakfast for tomorrow in your backpack and held onto your dinner. You got out of there as quickly as you could hoping no one called the authorities and claimed you were a missing child. You rushed back to The Plush Kids cave, guess that was where you were staying for now, you sat in their cave and got out your food it smelled fresh and nice just like your mom and dad or (S/N) would've made you, well, sometimes (S/N) would be unconscious in their room so you had to make food yourself or buy some with your own money, guess that's why you never went shopping when your friends invited you too after school.

You started eating your food as rain started to sprinkle from the sky. You sighed and ate half of your big dinner, you put away your dinner and put it in your backpack for later. You yawned and laid down on the soft ground, it was perfect just to sleep on, you looked at your wrist that was still throbbing with pain, you shuttered at the pain that shot through your body when (S/N) slapped your wrist so hard, if mom and dad was still here (S/N) wouldn't hear the end of it.

Weeks went by quickly, you had already gotten yourself a new home. It was near the creek so you could still play with the Plush Kids but over time you've been spending more time with the shyest of the group, Pullstring. Sometimes you wished they didn't cover up their face so much, you bet it looked beautiful behind that stuffed alligator plush. Today when you woke up for the creek, you used some breath spray to make your breath not stink so you could tell Pullstring something.

You already asked them to meet you early at the creek. When you had your breakfast and got dressed you were out the door with (P/N) in your backpack and went to the creek to meet up with Pullstring.

You saw Pullstring waiting for you and of course their face was covered up with Ask-A-Gator. You walked towards them and sat down next to them. "H-hey Pullstring..."You shyly started, Pullstring turn to you still covering their face with Ask-A-Gator, sometimes you wished you could see how pretty they were. "Pullstring, I've been meaning to tell you something for awhile..."You nervously said. "Why?"Pullstring made Ask-A-Gator say for them, "W-will go out with me...?"You nervously said.

"Why?"Pullstring made Ask-A-Gator say, but you weren't annoyed with them, you just smiled and said, "Because I love you". Pullstring didn't reply for a second, but finally they lowered Ask-A-Gator making their face finally visible but their mouth still covered up.

"R-Really?"Pullstring said, "Yes, I like you..."You said. Pullstring's cheeks redden then made eye contact with you, "I-I like you too..."Pullstring said. And that day, Pullstring tried to be less shy and stopped covering up their face.

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