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I'm Y/N and I am now 23 years old. 

All my life, I've been told what I can and can't do. 

I can go to this school. 

I can't take these classes. 

I can eat this healthy diet. 

I can't go off and eat any junk. 

I can hang out with these people. 

I can't hang out with anyone lower. 

I can go out in the morning. 

I can't go be out any later than 8pm. 

I can eventually have a boyfriend. 

I can't think of dating anyone other that Levi Ackerman. 

My parents have ensured that I marry into the Ackerman family saying "It's good for business." and "He's a good fit." 

They have always dictated what I can and can't do with my life. 

One day, when I was in high school, I brought up the idea that I was interested in this one guy, Jean Kirstein. That was shot down very quickly. Very very quickly. 

They have always said since I was younger that there was no need for boys in my life right now cause they have the perfect guy for me already. 

Yet, I don't want to be forced into a marriage, I want to marry for love. 

I haven't been able to go out and find that warm feeling of love because every little aspect of my life has been dictated by my parents. 

Am I happy with my life? 

Not really. 

Am I obligated to do everything my parents say?

Yes because they play the victim card and say I am ungrateful and don't appreciate the things that they have done for me. 

Have my parents taken a step back and thought about how I might feel? 

Nope. Not one bit. They have this set plan for me that I don't agree with. 

After my high school graduation, Jean and I had plans on running away together. My parents found out about this while they were snooping in my room one day and yelled at me harshly and threatened to send me away earlier to Levi. 

There was no getting out of it. 

We tried leaving one night, yet my mother found out and said that I was throwing away my life and that I don't care about her and my father. 

She had guilt tripped me into staying. 

Well, more that Jean had said I should stay and that he'll come back for me some other time. 

That was the last time I was ever in contact with him. 

He meant the absolute world to me. 

And my parents took that away. 

Saying he wasn't any good and that I didn't need to involve myself with any other guy because Levi with come around soon. 

They always spoke of Levi and I had only met him twice. 

Once when I was 16 and once after my failed attempt of running away. 

He's been nothing but rude to me and has called me childish and has said I am an unfit wife. 

Of course he has never said this in front of my parents. 

He has made me feel terrible about myself overall. 

He has never said anything genuiely nice to me. 

Once my parents step out of the room he is a terrible person towards me. 

I've never felt happy around him. But he knows we will end up marrying and I think he plans on making my life a living hell. 

He had even gotten mad at the fact that I wanted to run away with Jean, another man. 

I had told Levi that I wanted nothing to do with him that he was nothing but an arrangement to me and let me tell you, that didn't sit well with him. 

He said something along the lines of "I can call off this marriage and make your parents suffer." and that "If we do go through with this marriage, to just remember that you'll be living with me." 

It just isn't fair. 

Things have been this way all my life. 

I don't think there is any changing it. 

I want it changed. 

I want a say in things for once. 

I want to go with Jean. 

I want to leave all this behind. 

I want to live my own life. 

I want Levi out of my life. 

I want my parents to see things from my perspective. 

Unfortunately, things can't go that way I guess. 

I'm destined to marry Levi Ackerman and bring happiness to my parents. 

"It would be great for business." 

So instead of seeing me as their daughter, they just see me as a business deal. 

That's great.  

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