Chapter 38, Dead or Alive?

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Dahvie's P.O.V.
I have been released from the hospital and I recovered from my gun shot wound. Shane is still in the hospital...and I don't know when he will be out. Today he has his back surgery and I wanna be there for him.

Jayy, Jeffree, and I went to the hospital and we went to Shane's room. He was awake and he didn't look happy. I went over to him and sat on his bed. "Shane?" I asked and he looked at me, "yes dad...?" He said sadly and I took his hand, "Are you alright? You seem a bit depressed..."

He sighed and put his head down, "I don't wanna have's going to affect my career and my fans..." I shook my head and pulled out my phone, "Look at this." There were comments, videos and photos of his fans saying that they hope he recovers and they love him.

His face lit up and he smiled, "O my god...they care about me...?" I nod, " let me have your phone." I gave him my phone and he pressed record, "Hey everyone! I would like to say thank you for all of the support that you gave me. I hope to be back in a few weeks but I won't stop posting when I can. I love you all! Stay strong my little devils."

I smiled and hugged him gently, "You are going to recover don't worry." He sighed and the doctor came in, "Shane Vanity? You ready to go?" I look at him and he nods. They wheeled him to the OR and Jayy hugged me because I was about to cry. "Don't cry baby, he will be alright." I nod and we sat in his room then waited for him.

*few hours later*

I fell asleep waiting for Shane to come out of surgery and I was worried as fuck for him. The constant what ifs were running through my mind and I slept but not well. I was sleeping for a little while and I was awoken by Jayy.

I woke up and yawned, "Huh what?" He pulled me up and a big wave of worry came across me. "W-What is wrong...?" He smiled and kissed my cheek, "Let's go see our son." He held my hand and I held it back.

We walked to his room and there he was, he was all bandaged up and he was asleep. The doctor came in and she had a smile on her face, "Shane is a fighter, he will make a miraculous recovery." I smiled at the comment and sat next to him. "You are allowed to touch him just be careful of his back and arm."

I nod and rubbed his hand gently, "I'm so proud of you Shane. Everyone is here for you. Jeffree is here...Jayy is here and so am I. We love you so much and we will always be here for you."

He didn't wake up for a little while because of all the drugs he was on. I swear I am going to kill Garrett. I will put a restraining order on him and make sure he spends time in prison.

Let's go Garrett, you're wanted by me. Dead or Alive. But I'm sure you will be dead when I'm done with you.

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