Chapter 52, Actions Later

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Shane's P.O.V.
I woke up the next morning and i couldn't move my hands...or my body...I look down and my eyes widened. I was tied up! What the hell?! I tried to get free but I failed miserably and I tried to scream but it was muffled.

The room smells really good...wait why does it smell like that? It smells like perfume...oh hell no! I struggled more and I heard an evil laughter fill the room. "I see that you are up and awake." Garrett walked into the room and my eyes widened.

I shook my head and I wanted him out but I knew he wasn't leaving. "Why aren't you fighting back Star?" I spit the gag out, "My name isn't Star! My name is Shane!!" I screamed at him, "I'm a boy!! Not a girl! I hate you! Let me go!" He grinned evilly and shook his head. "I don't think so because you are and always will be Star. No matter what you do to your body, you will always be a girl because you were born one so shut the fuck up!"

I struggled against the rope and Garrett just stared at me smiling viscously. "You're not going anywhere...for a long time. I have someone here for you and he wants to see you." I looked at him, "W-Who...?" He smirked and opened the door revealing Jeffree...

He smiled and sent over to Garrett. Garret pulled him in close and kissed him. "I see you have Shane." Jeffree spoke softly and Garrett nods, "Yes I do baby boy." Jeffree smiled and glared at me, "What are you going to do now Shane? Is your daddies going to help you fight another one of your battles?" I growled, "At least I dont cheat on people!"

Jeffree rolled his eyes and kissed Garrett again. He left while glaring at me and Garrett looked at me. "What are you going to do now? Hm mister I'm a boy." I was about to speak out against him but I shook my head and looked away. "Shane?" he asked softly and I didn't say anything.

He walked over to me and pulled my chin up. "What's wrong...?" He asked and I mumbled, "Get away from me..." He tilted his head, "What?" I growled lowly, "Get away from me!" I screamed at him and his eyes widened.

He backed away from me and sat down in a chair. He put his head down and sighed, "What are you all sad about?" I said loud enough for him to hear me. He shook his head, "I-It's nothing..." I frown, "You want to tell me something now spill it." I said kinda harshly but I wanted him to spill whatever he was holding back.

He sighed, "I'm a monster...I did terrible things to your family and now you hate will always hate me..." I looked at him like he was insane...he is insane wait...why am I disagreeing with myself? He screwed up my head!

"Garrett what are you talking about?" He looked at me with tear filled eyes and I gave him a confused look. "I almost killed you twice! I almost killed your fathers! I tore your family apart and I turned Jeffree against you." I looked away and I swallowed hard so I wouldn't cry.

He did all of those things...he almost killed me not once but twice...he gave my parents life threatening injuries...he put Jeffree against me...

Should I believe him now...? He needs to stop screwing with my head! I don't know what to do!

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