Chapter 63, A Gift Of New Looks

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Shane's P.O.V.
I yawned as I woke up from my nap and Derek was there smiling down at me. "Hey sleepy head." He said softly and I groaned, "'s too early..." I rolled on my side and covered my head, "It's 2:30 in the afternoon." He giggled and pulled me up, "Derek! Let me sleep!" I pouted and he kissed me, "Nope, you have a wardrobe check at 6."

I look at him in a questioned look, "Who told you that?" He pulled out his phone, "Dahvie did, don't you have a show in a couple days?" I mentally face palmed, "Oh yeah I do." I giggled and yawned, "Alright, let me get dressed and stuff then we can go out for a late lunch?" I asked him and Derek nods, "Yeah, I will be waiting."

I ran to his room and picked up a pair of red boxers, black skinny jeans, a brass knuckle necklace, my converse, and a coat. What? It's cold outside! I fixed my hair and put some eyeliner on. I smiled at my reflection and went downstairs, "Can we go to Wendy's?" I asked with a pout and he nods, "Of course silly goose!"

I giggled and hugged him, "Let's get going." He grabbed his sweatshirt and we went to Wendy's.

*Skipping after Wendy's*

Derek took me to one of largest Hot Topic stores in California and I kissed his cheek, "Thank you!" I giggled and he held my hand. "I want to get you something and I want you to close your eyes." I nod, "Ok but don't make me bump into anything!" He smiled and covered my eyes, "I wouldn't do that to you and you know it." He led me to an area unknown to me and he opened his hands letting me see a big case full of gauges.

Gauges? "Why did you bring me here?" He looked at me weirdly, "remember when you said you wanted real gauges? Well my surprise is I'm going to get your ears pierced at a size 10 so you can start stretching your ears." I smiled widely and kissed all over his face, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

He kissed me deeply and he hugged me, "I would do anything for you." I picked out multiple pairs of gauges and Derek got on the phone. He called a tattoo place that also does piercings and he scheduled my piercing for next Friday night.

Derek bought my gauges and we went to his car. "Want to go home and relax before your wardrobe check?" I nod and he held my hand, "Let's go my baby boy." He kissed me and we went home.

I collapsed onto the couch and covered myself with my Walking Dead blanket. I don't have my coat on so I'm cold! I cuddled up with the blanket and yawned, "Derek! What time is it?" I asked and he looked at his phone, " 4:30ish" I sighed and played with my hands.

"What's wrong babe?" He grabbed my hands and held them, "Nothing...just thinking about a lot." He lifted my chin and kissed me softly, "Tell me what is on your mind baby boy." I sighed and leaned into him, "I'm just thinking about my past...I'm hurt that I was treated like garbage...I never did anything wrong....why did that stuff happen to me?" He rubbed my back soothingly.

"Sometimes, wait most of the time the world is screwed up. Amazing people like you, get screwed in any way possible by horrible people. You went through to much and now you will have a brighter future. Shane, you're a cute, funny, sweet and any other words that I can think of, anyway you're a type of person who can get hurt but in the end can make it through with a smile." I smiled at his words and kissed him.

"I wish horrible people didn't exist because then the world would be a better place." He nods, "I know my little panda but there is mean people wherever you look. It sucks I know but it's true." He hugged me tightly and I grabbed my phone. "Picture?" He smiled and kissed me then I took a picture of us.

I smiled at the picture and blushed, "I look like a tomato!" I giggled and he laughed, "You're a very cute and eatable tomato." I tilted my head at the eatable part and he started to gently nibble on my neck, "No don't eat me!" I giggled and he kissed the spot he was nibbling on, "I left my nibble spot."

He said meaning a hickey and I blushed even more. "Don't ruin my neck." I pouted and he chuckled, "I won't baby boy, I don't want to ruin your perfect skin."

My heart belongs to him. He won't hurt me. He won't leave me for dead. Derek is my lover. It took me a couple of relationships (and that will happen for a lot of people) to find mister perfect. Derek, I'm your baby boy and you're my king.

I love you Derek!

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