Chapter 6, regret and forgiving

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Star's P.O.V.
In the morning, Garret left for work and Jayy went with Jeffree, leaving me alone with Dahvie. I got dressed by putting on a red skull and spiderweb dress with black plain boots. I was doing my hair when Dahvie called me. "Star! Come here child!" I finished my hair and I went to the couch where he was sitting with the same hello kitty sweatpants on. He patted the seat next to him and I sat down carefully. "Star, what were you doing with Garret last night?" My eyes widen and I replied, "We were just kissing and cuddling...why do you ask?" He put his head back and he pinched the top of his nose. "Because it sounded like you were about to have sex!" Tears came to my eyes and I held them back. "Well I'm sorry that someone loves me! I'm sorry I'm a screw up! Maybe I should kill myself to satisfy everyone! I'm out of here!!" I grabbed my wallet, phone and skateboard then left. I went to a secret hideout in an abandoned playground that I always go to when I smoked my weed. (She knows where all abandoned parks because she looked it up.) I took out the joint and lit it up. I took a breath of it and then let the smoke flow out of my mouth. "Why was I even born?"

I felt my phone vibrate and it was Dahvie:
Where the hell are you?!-D
I'm by myself-S
Please come back to the bus now-D
No I won't until you prove that you love me!-S
Go to the Swinger at 7pm and I will show you that I love you-D
Fine see you there-S

I spent the day at the park by myself while I smoked and drank my monster. I hope Dahvie knows what he did because he made me...pissed and upset...I felt tears in my eyes but I don't let them fall. I screwed up...but Dahvie is going to apologize so I feel better. I finished my joint then I sat down and breathed. "I miss Dahvie...and Jayy."

I went to the Swinger, which was a huge club that was hard to get into. I walked up to the security guard and he let me right in. "Star please go to room 4 at this time." I rolled my eyes and I went to the room. A guard opened the room and my eyes went to the sight I thought I never see, Dahvie was dressed like a male stripper and Jayy was in a master looking outfit. "Sit down now." I sat in the fluffy rainbow chair and I watched them. "Star, what do you want me to do to prove that I love you?" I thought about it and smiled viciously. "I want you to do whatever I say for one day and for tonight, I want you to please Master Jayy." They both looked at each other and nod in agreement. "Ok we will do that just for you."

All night long, Dahvie did some weird things but the whole he was probably thinking of me. At midnight, I leaned back in my chair and my eyes slowly closed. I fell asleep and i found out the next morning that Dahvie carried me to the tour bus.

I knew we had to leave for Las Vegas today because it was on their bulletin board so I got comfy In my bunk and I slept for the whole ride there.
I can't believe he actually did what I said...I was kidding but apparently he wasn't joking...I guess they do love me? Wow...

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