Chapter 49, Im So In Love With You

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Dahvie's P.O.V.
Jayy and I have been through so much shit together that I don't know how we manage. Shane went out with his boyfriend Max and we had the whole house to ourselves. Shane won't be back until tomorrow night.

It was around 9 pm that we started to drink and smoke. After a few hours both Jayy and I were wasted plus we were high as hell. I was giggling out of control and Jayy was slurring his language. "Dahvi...come wit me..." He slurred and I followed him. Jayy can sometimes become an angry drunk and that thought didn't cross my mind cause I was high.

He pushed me down on the bed harshly and crawled ontop of me. He started to bite down on my neck hard and I squeaked, "Ow Jayy" I whimpered and he smiled seductively at me, "Shh baby, a little roughness won't hurt anyone."

I smiled and he kissed me softly. He continued and I have to say when he is like this, it's hard to control yourself. We had the best sex ever but I'm sure he won't remember any of it and I won't either haha

*Next Morning*

I woke up and I was sore. A sharp pain went through my back and I wince, "Ow..." I whispered and Jayy was ontop of me, he was naked. Wait did we have sex? Damn that shit is strong and why does my neck hurt? I carefully pulled Jayy onto the bed and he didn't wake up.

I went to the mirror and looked at my neck...holy shit Jayy! I had several hickeys and some of them were a dark purple. My eyes widened and I grabbed my concealer then put it all over my neck. I sighed in relief, "Thank god..."

I heard Jayy stir and I quickly got back into bed cuddling him. I was asleep until I felt someone's lips on mine and I stirred, "Hm...?" Jayy giggled and moved my hair out of my face. He kissed me and I groaned, "Mmm no..." I rolled over and fell back to sleep.

"Baby, you have to get up." I slowly open my eyes and saw him smiling at me. I sighed and got up, "Why is your neck all sparkly?" He asked and he touched my neck, "Did I give you multiple hickeys?" I nod and he giggled, "Oops"

I rolled my eyes, "Just be glad that you're cute as hell" he giggled and I got up. I put on some sweat pants and a T-shirt. Jayy put on some shorts and a tank top. I went to the bathroom and did my hair then my makeup.

Today is going to be a really good day, "Dahvie!" Jayy whined and I looked at him, "yes?" He pouted, "Want to go to the mall?" I asked him and he shook his head, "No...I want to do something that involves screaming..."

I thought for a bit and I had an idea, "We have to do vocals for one of our new songs." He tilted his head, "Which one?"

I gave him an 'are you being serious?' face, "Poison Apple?" He face palmed, "Oh my fucking God, we have so many that I forgot about that one. Sure you wanna record now?" I nod and we went to our little recording studio.

"If you want it come and get it
This is the moment of your live
If you need it try and fight it~"
Jayy and I finished the song but when we were recording, Jayy was dancing when he was singing. He was giggling after the song and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Ok that was one of the most random moments ever." He smiles at me, "At least it was with you." He came up to me and kissed me. I kissed back and hugged him, "I love you." He mumbled and I kissed his head, "I love you too."

*Later that night*
Shane came back and Jayy was asleep in my bed. "Dad?" I got up from the couch and looked at him, "Hey Shane, how was your time with Max?" He shrugged, "Good I guess, I schedule another tour..." I blinked, "for when?"

"Next month, why is that a bad time?" I looked at him then the ground, "Are you sure that you're going to be alright? After all that happened?" He nods, "Alright then, let's get prepping."

Shane is going back on tour...
I am scared for him but happy at the same time.
Garrett, stay away from my son. Or else.

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