Chapter 15, Believe in what i want to do

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Star's P.O.V.
Garrett and I have been on the road for about 3 months and we have about 9 months left. I sat back in my bunk and was listening to my music when Garrett yanked out my ear buds. "Ow Garrett!"

He rolled his eyes, "listen, we are going to Miami and I want us to go to a little party that my friend invited us to." I have him a confused look, "So why are you all pissed off about it?" He sighs, "he doesn't know I will have to introduce him to you...but if he tries anything with you, I will fucking kill him." I sigh and looked at him, "I will be fine Garrett!"

I got up annoyed as hell and went to the living area then sat on the couch. One of his guitar players, Xavier, came in and sat next to me, "star? What's wrong hun?" I shook my head, "Garrett and I got into a small fight...he knows that I have a short temper but does he care? Fuck no he doesn't!" He hugged me and rubbed my back because I started to cry, "Shhh it's ok, he does care about you! He is just stressed about this dumb party and tour that he maybe not normal for a while."

He gave me an assuring smile and I calmed down, "Give him time alright? In the mean time you wanna watch TV? They are having a Futurama marathon." I smiled back, "Yeah sure why not?" He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

Garrett's P.O.V.
"I will be fine Garrett!" Star said before storming out...fuck! She hates me now and I screwed up! I sighed in anger and leaned against the wall. I put my head down and sighed again.

My guitarist, Xavier, came into the room and was confused, "What's wrong Garrett?" I shook my head, "I fucked up...Star probably hates me..." He was still confused, "What did you do?"

I ran a hand through my hair and looked at him, "I got pissed and she left because of it." He placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled softly, "Let me talk to her alright?" I nod and he left.

I heard some screaming, shushing, and some crying. I made the girl I love cry...I'm the worst person ever! I laid down on her bunk with tears falling down my face and I started to drift off to sleep. I cried myself to sleep....

Star's P.O.V.
Xavier and I watched some Futurama and I sighed. "I'm going to go talk to him...I want to apologize for screaming at him." He nods, "Even though you think it's your fault, he did scream at you too but go and talk to him. It will be good for the both of you." I hugged him, "Thank you Xavier, I appreciate that."

I got up and went to my bunk where I left him last. He was curled up into a ball and he was asleep but he had tears stains on his cheeks. He was crying? I started to have tears come to my eyes and I wiped them away.

I made him cry...I sat next to him and ran a hand through his hair. His eyes slowly opened and he looks up at me. He pulled me down into a hug and he nuzzled his head into my neck. "Baby...I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to snap at you like that! I was just stressed and I didn't know how to handle myself! Please forgive me?"

I tilted his head up and kissed his cheek. "I could never be mad at you well I could be upset but never mad. I'm sorry that I snapped at you. That wasn't right of me-" he kissed me and I kissed back.

"You were right to yell at me, I realized that I did upset you and I will never do it again. If I am making you upset please tell me ok? I don't want to loose the girl I love." I smiled and kissed him again. "I will Garrett, I love you." He smiled back, "I love you too."

He kissed me deeply and hugged me. "Baby you make me feel complete." I smiled and kissed him back, "You make me feel like a princess." He pulled me close and I yawned. "Tired baby girl?" I nod and he laid down with me in his chest.

He whispered sweet nothings into my ear and I drifted off to sleep. I smiled and he kissed my cheek. "Good night baby..." He said sleepily, "Good night...Garry."

Believe in me or chaos will occur
My thoughts are my own and I don't need you corrupt me
You may do things that will be regretful but people learn from those regrets

The most important thing is to believe in what I want to do
And that is to love you for eternity

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