Chapter 57, On the road to California

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Dahvie's P.O.V.
I helped Jayy and Shane pack our bags because we are leaving to live in California for a while. We packed only what we wanted which was stuff like: clothes, shoes, personal items, etc. We are going to live in Hollywood, California because my friend, Leah, is letting us use her house while she is in Europe for a couple years.

We put our bags in the little storage area we have on the bus and Shane's phone went off. He checked his phone and tears went down his face, "Max broke up with me..." I went over to him and hugged him. "Shh it's ok Shane, he is a bastard to break up with you with a text message." I wiped his tears away and he pulled away then went over to the couch and laid down.

He covered his face and I sighed. "Dahvie it's ok baby, he is going through a rough time, he knows we are here for him." I shrug and he hugs me, "You should lay down and relax. We have a long journey ahead of us." He brought me to the bedroom and laid me down.

I cuddled up to him and he pulled me close. I felt him kiss me but I didn't kiss back because I fell asleep on him.

I hope we made the right choice by going across the country for a little while. I'm only concerned for Shane's mental health. I hope he gets better.

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