Chapter 24, My Gift and My Curse

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Star's P.O.V.
I walked to Garrett's house and knocked on the door. He answered it with a small smile. "Hello Star, please make yourself at home." I nod and walked into the living room then sat on the couch. He went and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry..." He tilted his head, "Sorry for what?" I sigh, "I'm sorry for lashing out at my parents and you...I went off the edge and I didn't think before I went out that day...I feel like a total bitch and you don't deserve don't want-" before I could finish he leaned in and kissed me. "Babe...I was waiting for this apology and I have something to say to you..."

I look at him and I was scared for what he was going to say. "I'm sorry...for being a bastard to you...I left you instead of helping you...I forgive you...but do you forgive me?" I nod and kissed him. "I do forgive you." He smiled and cuddled me.

*Few hours later about 1 am*

I fell asleep on Garrett then woke up to my phone vibrating. I picked it up and it was a text from Jeffree.

Hey star, where r u?-J
I'm @ Garrys house y?-S
Your parents wanted to know if u were ok-J
Tell them that we r working things out and we r back together-S
Does that mean we cant hang out anymore? :( -J
No we still can :) I enjoy hanging w/ u its fun!-S
Lol ok gurl c u tomorrow @ 11 for some girl time?-J
Yup cya tomorrow!-S
Luv ya girl-J
Luv ya 2-S

I set my phone down and Garrett was still asleep. I cuddled back into his chest and fell asleep.

Him and I worked things out. We are back together and we love each other. I love him and he loves me. Even though we wanted to kill each other, we saved each other. If we were to ever break up (hopefully we won't) I wouldn't forgive myself. I love you Garrett. Always and Forever.

*The next morning*

Jeffree's P.O.V.
I walked to Star's house and Dahvie answered the door with tears running down his face. "Dahvie what's wrong?" He pointed to Star's room and my eyes widened. "Dahvie. What. The. Fuck. Happened to her??" He shook his head and Jayy came in to comfort him.

I bursted through her bedroom door and she was fast asleep but she had a huge bruise on her face and she had an ice pack on her wrist while she slept. Her arms were scratched up and she has some more small bruises. My heart was pounding and I could feel the anger boiling in me. Who would hurt my girl?? IM PISSED!

I kissed the bruise and gently shut the door. I walked out to Jayy and Dahvie. "Who the hell hurt her?!" Jayy spoke up while Dahvie slept in his arms with tear streaks down his face, "She came home from that assholes house like that. Garrett hurt my baby girl and I want revenge."

I sighed, "I know you do Jayy, I want in on this also but we need Star's permission before we can. I'm sure you don't want a repeat of what happened last time right?" He nods, "My anger is my gift and my curse...until I'm dead in a hearse."

"He will pay...and I will make sure he can't walk...for the rest of his life..." No one hurts Star...Garrett is fucking dead.

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