Chapter 22, Unchained

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Star's P.O.V.
After I few moments of crying, I sat up and wiped my eyes. "They are going to fucking pay...and they will beg for mercy!" I got up and went to my closet.

I grabbed my spiked boots, a spiked belt, my black ripped skinny jeans, my black tank top, my spiked vest and my knife. I put on my most scariest scene makeup and I teased my hair up. I smirked evilly as I looked at my appearance. Dark and Dangerous, just the way I like it.

I growled and walked back to the set. All three of them were still there and Dahvie's eyes widened when he saw the knife. "S-Star....give me the knife. Now." He said calmly and I shook my head. "Sit down!"

They all immediately sat down and I motioned Garrett to come to me. He did and I moved him behind me. "I want you two to listen. You are to NEVER touch Garrett again! I don't give a living fuck if he screwed up and you want to discipline him! If I hear that you touched him. I will cut off your head!" I panted from screaming and Garrett gently tugged at my vest.

"B-Babe..." I turned and looked at him. "Yes?" He swallowed hard and looked at me. "You calm the fuck down. If you are going to act like this around your parents then I want no part of it. Text me when you are a calm and sweet girl. Not a fucking psycho with a knife." He kissed my head and walked out.

I was speechless...did he really do that...? I felt tears come to my eyes and I went down to my knees. I took the knife and placed it against my wrist not pushing down but at this point I wanted to...

Dahvie's P.O.V.
I couldn't take it anymore, I watched Star press the knife to her wrist and I tackled her. I threw the knife and it went into the wall. She struggled but I held her down. "Star! You need to calm down!"

Tears rolled down her cheeks and she cried. I held her tightly and whispered soothingly things into her ear. "I-I'm...s-sorry..." I shook my head, "no I'm sorry for being an ass to your boyfriend. It wasn't fair to you or Garrett. Shhh calm down Star."

*few hours later*

Star calmed down and we walked back to the bus. She went into her bunk after taking her makeup off and changing into her pajamas, she fell asleep. I went to her bunk and pulled her batman blanket over her.

I sighed and went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and I shook my head. "I'm a monster..." I washed off my makeup and washed my hair so I could sleep with it not poking Jayy bear in the face.

I changed into my hello kitty pants and my blank tank top. I went to the couch and sat down. I turned on Naruto and watched it for a bit until Jayy came in. "Baby? What are you doing up? It's midnight."

"I could say the same to you." He sighed and sat down. "Is this about earlier? You guys made up and she forgives you. I know Garrett walked out on her but she needs us to comfort her. She is going to be an emotional mess for a while...and I don't want her hurting herself or going back to her weed thinking that is the only way out." I looked at him and I felt like crying. "I am here for her...I think she needs a friend that isn't her parents or a boy. She needs a girl role model. Someone she can look up to and talk about girl things."

He smiled softly and kissed me. "I can ask Jeffree. She knows he is way to girly to be a man. He can help her, don't stress yourself out Dahvie. You're an excellent father who adopted a beautiful girl who has a wonderful life in front of her." I smiled and kissed him back. I sat back and ran a hand through my hair.

"Please talk to Jeffree tomorrow...I want him to start talking to Star daily." He nods and pulls me up. "Come on...we have to travel to Florida tomorrow..." I get up and he brings me to the bedroom. I lay down then he lays down ontop of me.

I wrap my arms around him and smiled. "I love you Dahvie..." I kissed his head and slowly fell asleep, "I love you too Jayy bear."

Hopefully Star will forgive me...hopefully Garrett comes back...but until then...she is going to be unchained

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