Chapter 75, Are You Staying or Leaving?

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Shane's P.O.V.
"Are you staying or leaving?" I asked Derek looking at him and he was hesitate with his answer. He played with his hands and didn't look at me, "Well?"

He was choked up and looked at me, "I-I um...I'm um..." I sighed softly, "I'm...I need some air." He walked outside and I heard him light up a cigarette. I snapped and went out there then grabbed his pack. I threw them in the trash and he growled. I took his lit cigarette but he grabbed my hand making me drop the cig.

He crush it and threw me against the side of the house, "You fucking think you can take my cigarettes and control me? I'm leaving, fuck you." He pushed me away and I was about to cry.

I ran in after him and hugged him from behind, "Don't leave me...I'm sorry." He ignored me and packed his stuff, "Derek please I want you to get help for this. I don't want to find you dead on the street."

He sighed, "Maybe you shouldn't be such a bitch about this. I'm going to a center for drug addicts. I'm fucking sorry for having a problem and I can't control it. I will be back soon." He picked his bag up and left.

I fell to my knees crying and I called Dahvie, "D-Dad...D-Derek left...I-I need you h-here..." I cried and he said he will come over.

I didn't stop crying because my fiancé just left for rehab without even saying goodbye or anything. I was basically curled up into a ball crying my eyes out and I was shaking. I was choking up sobs until I felt someone hug me tightly.

It wasn't Dahvie but it was Jeffree. "Shh, a sweet man like you shouldn't cry." He picked me up and I buried my head into his shoulder, "Shh Shane, it's alright. He will come to his senses."

I was trying to calm down but all of the crying and stress made me black out. I woke up hearing nothing but mumbles. Where was I?

My eyes slowly opened and I saw doctors. "He is awake." I was confused and my head was my chest...

"What happened?" Jeffree looked at me, "I carried you home and you blacked out in my arms. We took you to the hospital and you had a severe anxiety attack that caused your heart to almost stop beating."

I was trying to calm myself down at this moment because I scared myself to almost death, "Relax take deep breathes and clear your mind." The doctors tried to calm me down but I screamed, "Leave me alone!! I just want my Derek!"

Jayy made the doctors and nurses leave then he held me, "Shhh it's ok. He went to rehab. He misses you deeply and says he is sorry." I started to cry again and I couldn't stop.

I tried to help Derek but he refused. He went to rehab by himself and didn't say goodbye. I'm crying so much I can't breathe and I'm nauseous. Derek I need you to be ok.

*The Next Day*

???? P.O.V.
Shane is a train wreck and his health is slowly declining. He will get what is coming to him and I will make sure he pays for all the shit he has done.

Here I come Shane. Ready or Not.

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