Chapter 37, A loveotomy gone wrong

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Dahvie's P.O.V.
I watched in horror as I saw Shane go down and Garrett had his evil grin on his fucking face. "She deserved it." Garrett spoke in a dark tone and he looked at me. "Good thing that I didn't shoot you. You're just an emotional train wreck who needs a lot of fucking help."

He smirked and looked at Jayy. "And you Jayy, are a fucking whimp who I could kill any day and you don't deserve to have anything good come to you because you're a heartless bastard who only cares about yourself. You don't love Dahvie at all."

He then glared at Jeffree, "I have a suggestion for you, stop hitting on Star. It's fucking creepy and no one wants your nasty gay ass. I can't believe you made it this far in the music business because your music sounds like fucking trash and your fans just support you to make you feel better about yourself."

Those nasty, rude and horrible comments echoed off the walls and I felt my heart sink when he said Jayy didn't love me. It hurt worse when he down grated Jeffree because he helped Shane feel like he was worth something.

Garrett pointed the gun at Jayy and he narrowed his eyes. "Good bye Fucker." I heard a gun shot and I went in front of him then I felt something hit me. I held the area and a warm liquid seeped through my fingers. My eyes went wide and I realized I got shot in my shoulder.

Garrett smirked and put the gun back into his shirt. "The pedophile and the bitch will die. Bye." He walked out like nothing happened and I felt weak but I couldn't pass out. "Jayy...Jeffree! C-Call 911! P-Please..."

I crawled over to Shane and pulled him up. I took out the extensions and he didn't look like a girl because the makeup he had on his chest ran so he didn't have that effect anymore. Tears streamed down my face and I shook my head. "Wake up...please wake up...S-Sha..." Before I could finish saying his name I passed out from the blood lost.

Jayy's P.O.V.
Dahvie passed out and I went over to him. I took out my bandana and pressed it to his shoulder. "An ambulance will be here shortly" Jeffree said and he applied pressure to Shane's wound on his arm which was on his upper arm. "I-I don't want them to die...please no!"

I felt tears roll down my face and I applied more pressure with blood soaking my bandana in a matter of minutes it felt like. I heard the door swing open and there was about five or six paramedics. "Gun shot wound victims, I repeat gun shot wound victims with severe blood lost."

All of them came over to us and they pulled Shane out of Dahvie's grip then reapplied pressure to his arm. "How did this happen?" The guy asked and I wiped my tears, "T-This guy who h-had a grudge against my son...came in h-here and shot him....then h-he shot my b-boyfriend..."

The guy nods and he put Shane on the stretcher. Another paramedic pulled Dahvie onto the other stretcher and immediately rushed them out. "Would you like to meet us at the hospital?" I nod and Jeffree helped me up.

*few hours later*

I fell asleep waiting for Dahvie and Shane. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I woke up. "Jayy? We can go see them now." I rubbed my eyes and I got up. "Ok...I wanna see-" Jeffree shook his head, "We have to see Dahvie first." My eyes widened and I ran to his room.

"D-Dahvie..." I said as I walked in and he was looking at me with his shoulder all wrapped up with a tiny bit of blood on the bandage that was visible. I went over to him and held the hand that wasn't occupied by an IV. He was about to cry but I kissed him and he kissed me back softly.

"Babe, don't cry...everyone is alright." He whimpered and looked me in the eyes. "H-How is Shane...?" He asked and tears fell down his face. I wiped away his tears and sighed softly. "I don't know, I haven't seen him yet."

He sighed and I rubbed his hand. "I am going to see him now." I kissed him and I looked at Jeffree. "Can you stay with him so I can see Shane?" He nods and sat next to him.

I walked out into the hallway and towards his room. I braced myself and I walked in. My heart dropped as I saw him hooked up to many machines. The doctor walked in and she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Shane has several back fractures, a gun shot wound on his upper arm and he went into shock when we woke him up."

I nod and held back my tears, "H-How long is he going to be in h-here...?" She pushed up her glasses and looked at me, "I don't know for sure right now. The extent on his injuries are severe and I am afraid we are going to have to do back surgery on him so his spine can get realigned and there is a crack in the middle of his back I need to fix as soon as there is an OR available."

I nod again and sighed, "thank you..." She nods, "Call me in if you or him need anything." I sat down next to him and took his hand. Yes I am fucking flipping out right now but I am staying strong for him and Dahvie. I let a few tears roll down my face and I broke down. "It's all my fault...I'm sorry Shane...I wish I beat the shit out of Garrett earlier..."

I wiped away my tears and I covered my face. I curled up in the chair next to his bed and cried harder. "I-I'm sorry...I'm so f-fucking sorry!"

((What will happen next? Will Shane get better or worse? Find out in chapter 38!))

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