Chapter 16, Call me your master

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Star's P.O.V.
I went back to my bunk on the tour bus and I yawned. I laid down and got comfortable then I fell asleep.

*Dream time*
I was surrounded by a darkness and I felt trapped. Slowly the lights came on and I saw a horrifying sight. Dahvie looked like Jeff the Killer because his face was white, he had a bloody smile and his eyes were black.

Jayy's face was half burnt and he had blood dripping down his face. "Well look who is awake. Hello princess how did you sleep?" I didn't answer and he gave me an evil smile.

He walked up to me and he had a knife in his hand along with a lighter. "Let us make you look like us. That's what you want isn't it?" I shook my head but they kept coming at me. "No! Don't touch me!"

Dahvie and Jayy got close to my face with the lighter and knife. I screamed and Dahvie laughed evilly then started to carve a smile into my face. Jayy took the lighter to my face and burned my cheek.

Blood trickled down my face and to my neck. "W-Why...?" I screamed and they laughed at me. "Because we are your masters now you must obey!!" I screamed again and I opened my eyes quickly.

*Dream time ended*

I opened my eyes and Garrett was hugging me tightly. "Shhh Star! What's wrong?" I buried my face into his chest and I quickly touched my face, no burns...

He looked down at me and was confused. "What were you dreaming about?" I shook my head, "It was a nightmare..." His eyes widened a bit but he calmed down, "Tell me what happened?"

I explained what happened and he hugged me tightly. "They would never do that to you! They love you to much" I buried my head into his chest and sighed. "I know but it scared the hell out of me..."

He nods, "I know but it was only a nightmare babe, it will never happen in real life." I sighed, "I know..." He rocked me again, "Go back to's only 3:30 in the morning..." He yawned and so did I. He snuggled me then fell asleep. I buried my head into his neck and fell into a deep sleep.

My parents won't hurt me...or use me as a slave...I hope they don't...

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