Chapter 36, No More

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Shane's P.O.V.
Jayy, Dahvie, and Jeffree helped me transform back to my girl form. Dahvie added extensions to my hair so it looked more girlish, Jayy added "a chest" to me and he did my makeup so I looked like a cute girl then Jeffree picked out my outfit.

He picked out a black stripped tanktop, tan kaki like shorts, a pair of osiris and a few bracelets. (He looks like the pic) I looked at myself and I just smiled. "Holy shit, I look fucking fabulous!" I screamed and they all laughed. "Come on 'Star' let's go see Garrett."

Dahvie said and Jayy spoke up, "you have your knife?" I looked at him, "I never leave home without it." He smiled and I sighed. "If anything goes wrong, just call us in ok?" Jayy asked and I nod. "Don't worry hun, I will fucking kill him with my pink knife" Jeffree giggled and I smiled more.

"Thanks Jeffy." I held my head up, "I'm ready." We had to go to a club because that is where Garrett wanted us to meet him there. I walked in and every guy looked at me. I felt so awkward because I knew they didn't know I was a guy...anywhore Garrett smirked and waved me over to him.

I slowly went over to him and sat down next to him. "Hey baby, haven't seen you since you had that incident." I shrugged, "Yeah I know..." He laughs and wraps an arm around me. "I thought that you would've turned all trans on me and I would've had to kill you." I swallowed and looked at him.

"I told you that I am a girl and always will be." He scoffed and gave me a drink. "Thirsty?" He asked and I was afraid to drink it. "No I'm fine." He rolled at me and sipped his. "Fine don't drink it." I was about to fucking slap him but I held back and noticed he had a gun in the side of his shirt. No...he is going to kill me!

I panicked but I didn't let it show and i got up, "Excuse me, I have to go freshen up." He smirks softly, "Don't keep daddy waiting." I shivered a little when he said daddy and I walked to the room right near the bathroom because that is where Dahvie, Jayy, and Jeffree were.

I went in there and shut the door then slid down. "He is going to kill me! He has a fucking gun hidden in his shirt!" I felt tears come but I blinked them away and they all came over to me. Dahvie helped me up and he hugged me. "Shh it's ok, he won't kill you on our watches."

I sighed and looked up at them, "Please don't let him kill me..." They all nod and I got up. "I'm ready..." I walked back out and sat next to him again. "So Star...I was thinking we could have some fun." He said putting his hand on my thigh.

"Oh? Like what type of fun?" He smirked and stand up. "Follow me." He smirked and pulled me up. "I know somewhere we can be private." My heart was beating fast and he pulled me into the room that the guys were in but now it was all dark. I had a feeling they were hiding in the shadows.

He turned on the lights and the room was empty but out of the corner of my eye I could see Dahvie with his knife ready in his hand. Garrett pushed me down to the ground and I landed on my back. He pulled out the gun and pressed it to my head.

"Now for my fun...and yours." Garrett pressed the gun more into my temple and he started to pull down my pants. "NO STOP!" I kicked him right in the groin and he fell backwards letting the gun fly then hit the wall.

I scrambled to get up and I ran for the gun but Garrett grabbed my ankles that making me fall. I kicked him again and I grabbed a hold of the gun. "LET ME GO!!" Garrett's eyes widened and he let go. I got up and pointed the gun to his head.

"Stand up fucker." He shakily and slowly stood up with his hands up. " don't do anything stupid." I shook my head, "First you try to kill me...then you try to rape me? You don't love me! Beg for mercy or I will shoot you in the fucking head!"

He shook his head and narrowed his eyes. "You're a psychotic bitch! You never loved me if you're trying to threaten me again! Well it didn't work!" He came at me but he didn't reach me, instead Jayy and Dahvie held him down. "You don't fucking try anything on my child! You're dead Garrett!"

Jayy picked him up and threw him against the wall. He then went up to him and punched him in the face. Jayy beat the shit out of him before Garrett fought back. He kicked Jayy against the other wall and he grabbed me. He pulled the gun out of my hand and pressed it hard against my head again.

"I swear one more fucking time, if anyone try's anything I'm going to fucking shoot her in the fucking head. So back the fuck up!" I watched as Dahvie and Jeffree backed up until they were with Jayy.

Garrett tightened his hold on my neck and I could hear my heart pounding hard. "G-Garrett..." I choke out, "p-Please..." I could barely breathe and he pushed me to the ground really hard. I landed on my arm and I felt something...was it pain? Garrett looked like an angry monster who would kill anyone about now and that scared me shitless.

"I don't ever. And I mean ever wanna see your face again. You fucking should've died! Now you will!" I heard a gunshot and I fell on my side. My arm was bleeding badly and I felt numb. "G-Garre...Garr..." I tried to speak but I passed out letting the darkness and numbness consume me.

I think I'm dying...

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