Chapter 108, Shane Falls...Hard

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Shane's P.O.V.
My stress is killing me.

Im a model, a singer, I'm about to get married and I'm trying not to die. My head won't stop hurting and I have so many mental breakdowns. I need my drugs but I don't know where they are. I feel like absolute shit but I can't make it stop...

I lay down in bed with a splitting headache and Derek comes in to rub my head, "It's ok baby. Just take a deep breath and relax. Here is your pain meds." I take two and sigh, "Im sorry...I hate knowing you're missing work for me." He kissed my head and laid down next to me. "Come here." I cuddle up into his chest and he holds me.

"Better?" I nod lying to him because my head is still killing me and the pain meds aren't working. "I will always miss work for you. Besides there is nothing to do at work." He says softly and I start to fall asleep because of how exhausted I am. I shut my eyes and I fell asleep.

~Couple hours later~

I wake up and Derek isn't there. He left me a note on the night stand, "Hey baby, my boss called me in and I will be home as soon as I can. I love you. I gave you 40 dollars so you can buy some food or whatever you like :) I love you with all my heart. <3 Derek"

I picked up the 40 bucks and smile, "Guess who is getting drugs. Me." I smile and I got up. I fixed my hair and got dressed. "Now where is Jason." I text my friend and he is at his secret hideout in the woods. I grabbed my small bag and walked to the woods. I slowly make my way to the hide out and when I get there, he is leaning against a tree.

"Hey Shane. Want something?" I nod and he made me sit down next to him, "How much do you got?" I pull out a 20 and a 10 (I got change for the other 20), "30." He pulled out 3 bags with different substances in them. "Weed, Angel Dust or Coke?"


I hesitated and picked out the weed. I handed him the money and I went to get the bag but he pulled it back, "No no little Shane. I want more than just money." I looked at him strangely and he got up, "Come here." I got up and he kissed me hard. He pinned me to the tree and kept kissing me.

"Mmm Jason! What are you mmmm doing?!" I tried to push him off of me but he wouldn't move, "Getting the rest of my payment." My eyes widened and he placed a gag in my mouth. "There now I can do it without you screaming." I growl and struggled to get free of his grip.

"Stop your fucking struggling!" He hand cuffed me to the tree and pulled his pants down a little then he pulled mine down then pushed inside me. I whimper because he is really big and it really hurts.

"Oh what? You can't take it? Oh well." He thrusted in and out hard. I couldn't take it and I screamed out in pain but it was muffled. He smirked and gripped my neck. I kept my eyes on him but he wouldn't stop and he gripped my neck harder. I started to have a hard time breathing and I struggled more.

He pushed up hard and released into me. He pulled out but he kept his grip on my neck and I felt dizzy. "J-Ja...J-Jason...." He kept his eyes on me and let go. I fell on my ass and gasped for air. "Expect a text from me later." He throws the bag of weed at me and left.

I fixed myself and rolled a joint. I lit it and inhaled deeply. The feeling made me go numb but I loved it and I relaxed a lot. My vision went blurry a little but I can't stop loving the feeling and when I got to the end of the bag. I stomped out the last bit of my last joint.

I got up and walked back home but through the woods. The numbness overtook me and I heard a twig snap. I didn't bother to stop and look so I kept going. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I stop dead in my tracks. "Shane?"

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