Chapter 112, Satan's Pet

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Jayy's P.O.V.
I woke up and sat in the bed, "I have such a headache..." I rub my temples and the door opened. I looked over and it was Satan...

"Jayy. Here take this." He handed me pain killers with some water and he made me take them. "Thank you sir." He smiles and helped me stand up. "Let's get you dressed in something comfy." He snapped his fingers and I was dressed in an interesting outfit. Leather straps wrapped around my chest and my one arm, I was wearing leather pants, multiple leather belts with spikes and multiple bracelets.

"Damn Jayy. You look really hot." I blush lightly and he kissed my cheek. "Want to see Hell in all of it's glory?" I nod and he takes my hand, "If anyone looks at you weirdly, tell me. They will go down to the deeper depths." I smile softly, "Yes sir." He shakes his head, "Call me Lucifer. You're mine now and sir is too formal."

Lucifer walked outside and oddly enough it wasn't as hot as I imagined it would be. "So Jayy, this is the beautiful world I call hell. It's not that scary and I am the only one who can hurt someone. I would never hurt you unless you screw up big time." I nod and was confused, "Oh no..." I saw Daniel and I gripped his hand tightly, "What's wrong?"

I look down, "I see...Daniel..." He sighed, "He is going to the area where he will be punished for what he has done." I look over and see Daniel being pushed towards a portal by some guards. "Where is he going?" Lucifer runs a hand through his hair, "There are many levels of hell. For what he has done, he is going to level 10 which is pretty far down. He will never move up just farther down."

I reach up and feel my horns, "Do they hurt at all?" I shake my head, "No, I'm just not use to it." He rubbed my head and smiles, "I think you look super adorable. Come with me pet." He walked back to his room and had me sit down. "Lay down Jayy." I laid down and he crawled ontop of me and kissed me deeply.

I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck then kissed him back. He has me in a trance and I can't get out of it. He kissed down to my neck and left a bite mark. "You're addicting Jayy. My lust for you grows even more." He bit my neck hard and I gripped his hair, "I hit your sweet spot." He smiles and kisses down my body. When he got to my pants, he pulled them down and then rubbed me through my boxers. "M-Mmm Lucifer~" I moan softly and and pulled my boxers down.

He took off his shirt and pants then I got on my knees to take off his boxers. Lucifer maybe the ruler of hell, but he is pretty vulnerable when someone touches him and I think it is cute.

~After a pretty hot time~

My ass really hurt and Lucifer pulled me into his chest. "Did you enjoy it?" I nod softly and he kissed me. His lips were soft and I yawned, "Rest Jayy." He rubbed my back and my eyes started to close. He held me as I fell asleep and I'm glad that I did. Im exhausted and I can dream of...Dahvie...

I miss him so much...I hate being Lucifer's pet! I want my baby back!

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