Chapter 91, Hell is Unleashed

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***Warning Graphic Content***

Derek's P.O.V.
I waited for Shane to come back and he has been gone for a long time. I got up and went to the car. He wasn't there...and he didn't come back in. I started to panic and I looked around but I was the only one in the parking lot.

I called Dahvie close to tears, "D-Dahvie...I-I um...he..." I was choking ok my own tears, "Derek? What's wrong? Calm down, take a breath and speak." I took a breath but I broke down crying, "I can't find him! Shane is gone! He isn't answering his phone and I can't find him anywhere!"

"Jayy, Jeffree and I will be there in 5 minutes." I sat on the back end of his car and cried. I can't believe someone took my Shane....whoever they are will be beaten by me.

Jayy, Jeffree, and Dahvie arrived. I looked like a nervous reck and Jeffree hugged me, "We will find him. I know we will." I wiped the tears off my face and fixed my clothes. Jayy tried to track Shane's phone and he growled, "The son of the bitch who took him took out the tracking chip. Fuck!"

Jayy's P.O.V.
I called Shane's phone and someone answered, "Well Hello Jayy. Looking for Shane?" I growled, "Where is he you fucker?!" He laughed, "Now now no need to be hostile. He is with me but he is never going home."

I looked at Dahvie, "I wanna make a deal." He answered, "A deal? Hm let me think." There was a silence on the line and then there was a muffled scream in the background, "You and me. The bar on South Terrace at 7pm. Bring any police and I will kill your son."

I sighed, "Deal." He laughed, "See you then." He hung up and I looked at Derek, "I have to meet him at the bar on South Terrace at 7." He nods and I gripped my hands, "He will pay."

~Time skip to 7~

I went to the bar alone because I didn't want the others to get angry and foil the plan. I sat at one of the booths and waited.

A muscular guy with tattoos, gauges, a tank top, skinny jeans, converse and a cross necklace sat at my table. "Hello Jayy. My name is Marc. Want a drink?" He slid over a martini and I looked at it, "What's in it? A drug?"

He looked at me, "I'm not that stupid Marc. You want to drug me and rape me then tie me up next to my son." He began to laugh, "Are you kidding me? Drug and rape you?" He kept laughing, "You're funny. No, just come with me so we can talk this out."

I sighed and got up, "Fine." He got up and walked me to a dark room. "We release Shane under one condition." I tried to look at me, "What is the condition?" He smirked.

"We get you."

A bag was put over my head and I was injected with a liquid, "Ow the fuck are you doing?!" He held me against him, "Shhh just sleep." I started to fall asleep but I fought as much as I could before I started to fall asleep. "N-No let me...go..." I saw his grin widen as I passed out.

~Couple hours later ~
I woke up slowly and I was in a dark room. I couldn't see anything and I felt cold. I shivered a bit as I tried to move and I sat up but my hands were cuffed to something.

I struggled and I tried to scream but nothing came out. Some of the lights came on and I looked down. I was only in my boxers...I WILL KILL HIM! Marc stepped into the room and looked at me, "Mmm Jayy. You look really sexy like that."

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled, "Don't be rude Jayy or I will punish you." I glared at him and he slapped me hard, "What did I just fucking say?" I look at him with anger in my eyes, "Awe look someone is mad. Try and get out mister I'm so fucking tough!"

I just kept my glare on him and he smirked, "You won't be giving me that look after I show you this." He opened the door and Shane was standing there. He was gagged, tied up and he was shaking. "MMMM!" He looked at me and he had a black eye.

I growled and spit the gag off, "HOW DARE YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY SON YOU SICK FUCK! LET ME GO OR ELSE I WILL KILL-" He pushed a gun in my mouth and locked it, "Fucking say one more word and I will pull the trigger making your brain explode right infront of your son."

He took the gun out of my mouth and regagged me but harder. "Hm what should I do to you?" He punched me hard across the face and I winced. Shane struggled in his ropes and they pulled him away. I let out a scream but it was muffled. "Oh shut up! We're not going to hurt him...cause we already did."

I started to struggle and Marc got angry. He injected me with something and I looked at him, "This will make it hurt less." He unzipped his pants and I closed my eyes. I felt his hands on my hips and...he did nothing?

I opened my eyes and Dahvie was looking at me, "Jayy." My eyes went wide and I looked to the side of him. Marc laid on the floor unconscious with a brick crumbled next to him. Dahvie undid the gag and the ropes.

I shivered and he hugged me tightly, "H-How did you find me?" He kissed my head, "Shane." I heard footsteps and I tightened my grip on Dahvie's shirt, "It's just me father." I look up and see Shane.

He went over to us and hugged me tightly, "How did you get out?" He just smiled and said, "I always have my ways." I hugged Shane tightly and sighed in relief. But the hell wasn't over yet.

"THERE THEY ARE!" Two big guys who were really muscular ran in and tackled Shane. Shane disappeared along with Dahvie. They looked at me and one of them picked up Marc then the other one grabbed me pinning me to the wall.

"You're in trouble now. When Axel gets back, he will teach you a lesson and make sure you know who is boss around here." He started to choke me and I struggled in his grip.

"Let him down." Axel's voice echoed off the walls and the guy dropped me on my ass. I gasped for air and Axel laughed, "You keep thinking that you're tough and indestructible. Well you're wrong! You're fucking pathetic!" Axel grabbed me and pinned me to the wall.

He got close to my face and growled, "You're a weakling who needs to be taught a lesson." He roughly rolled me over so my stomach was against the wall then he pulled down my boxers. I heard him unzip his pants and he pushed himself inside of me.

I bit my lip hard keeping quiet and Axel pulled my hair back hard, "Let me hear your moans you slut!" I shook my head and he moved harder in me. I gasped softly and he scratched down my back hard. I felt liquid run down my back and I knew he made me bleed...

~4 hours later~
Axel was finished with me and I curled up in the corner shaking in pain. He laughed at me, "Look at you. Shaking and bleeding like a pathetic slut you are. I knew you-"


Axel fell to the floor and a huge pool of blood leaked from his head. I looked at the doorway and Dahvie was standing there with a gun in his hand. "D-Dahvie..." He went over to me and picked me up. He wrapped his sweatshirt around me and it covered me up (because it was so big on me)

He carried me out and mumbled something. We were transported home and I shivered, "Jayy...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry that I didnt try hard enough..." I kissed him deeply, "It's ok baby...I rather be beaten then have our son be beaten..."

He sat me down on the bed and I winced, "Are you ok baby?" He says getting out a pair of boxers for me, " just hurts a little bit..." he handed me them and I put them on.

Dahvie looked me all over and cleaned my wounds from the rope. I had some deep cuts and I had to bite my lip in order to muffle my soft cries of pain. "Shh it's all over baby." He kissed my head and laid me down gently. I shivered and Dahvie placed a warm blanket over me.

Then a though hit me...

Where is Shane?

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