A New Era

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My eyes fell on one of the few remaining tents in the large expanse of the medical camp. It was creepily empty given how bustling it was just a week ago, leave it to her to be one of the last to leave. I couldn't help but smile, she doesn't let other people do her work for her.

"Stay here, Akamaru." I commanded, my companion laying down beside the entrance to the tent.

My brief happy mood quickly dissipated, I had something important to ask her. I pushed my way into the tent to see that it contained most of the remaining medical supplies, and, luckily for me, the person I was looking for.

Hinata didn't even look over her shoulder, "Can I help you?"

"We weren't able to find Sakura." I stated, a little off put by how she didn't react.

"How far did you track her?" was her only response.

"A ways out into the woods, but things got pretty confusing from there. Not even Hana could make sense of it." I huffed, folding my arms over my chest, "Do you actually believe she's at home?"

"What do you think?" she posed in turn. Why was she acting so aloof?

I tried to swallow down my rising anger, "Hinata, she isn't at home basically everyone has checked by this point."

"Yep, and I've heard about it every single time." she finally turned, leaning against the table, "Naruto, Takumi, Sasuke, Kakashi, Tsunade, everyone is wondering where she went but isn't considering why."

"What the hell does that mean?" I scoffed, picking up that she was a lot more pissed about this than she was trying to let on.

"She did this on purpose, Kiba." she asserted, "All of our seals are gone, so we can't contact her, and she's made it impossible to track her. This is purposeful. She wanted to leave."

"How can you be so sure?" I pressed, "Something could have happened to her."

"She isn't stupid." she stated firmly, "If this was planned by someone else, we would know about it. Remember? She can see the future."

"So..." that couldn't be right. If that was true then, "You're just going to let her go?"

"I have no right to judge anyone else on what they decide to do." she responded, eyes hardening, "Within reason that is, but if she wants to leave who am I to tell her she can't."

"That's bullshit and you know it." I growled. I was tired of everyone and their goddamn moral highgrounds and guilt and fucking pardoning everyone else, "You can have standards, Hinata. What you did doesn't give everyone else a free pass to do whatever the hell they want."

"Okay, then do something about it." she waved a dismissive hand, refacing the table to go back to work.

"What?" She couldn't be fucking serious.

"My standards are that people should be able to do what they need to do for themselves within reason. If Sakura thinks that leaving is what she needs to do for her own health, then I'm going to let her do it, and she's going to be fine." She shot a glare over her shoulder, "Clearly our standards don't align, so, if you have such a problem with her leaving, do something about it."

"That's why I've come to you!" I blurted in exasperation, desperation beginning to seep into my tone. Why didn't this matter to her? Was it something I wasn't understanding?, "Hinata, I can't do anything about it. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to find her."

"Congratulations on being able to admit that." she sighed, and I was stuck for a moment on whether I was supposed to be offended by that or not, she turned enough so I could see the profile of her face, "And I know this isn't the answer that you want, but I can't do anything about it either."

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