The Lady Hokage

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I pulled the muffins out of the oven, humming happily as I turned to place them on the counter. A very frazzled Sasuke marched into my kitchen and slammed his hands onto the counter.

"Why was that thing in my room!?" he shouted accusingly. I cocked my head, raising a confused eyebrow. He gestured wildly to the hallway.

"That thing you call a-" he said while turning, letting out a shriek when he saw Lipstick standing in the doorway. He scrambled onto the counter, "Sakura, it's following me!"

"Calm down! She's just a dog!" I shouted, going over to said dog and picking her up. I walked over to Sasuke, who was backing away on the counter and dangerously close to falling off, "Stop acting like a dumbass, you're going to fall." I chided, placing Lipstick in front of him. He looked distrustingly between me and my dog, nudging her with his foot.

"Hey! Be nice!" I scooped her up again and walked closer to him.

"Get it away from me! Why doesn't it move!?" he tried edging away, but realizing he was going to fall he stopped.

"She moves!" I insisted, "Now sit still and let me properly introduce her to you. Hold out your hand." I held Lipstick out to him, and Sasuke tentatively reached out, looking away and squeezing his eyes shut like he expected her to bite off his hand or something. Lipstick, the little angel that she was, gave his hand a solitary lick. Sasuke opened his eyes and stared at the dog in astonishment.

"She likes you!" I cheered.

"Huh," Sasuke gently began to pet her head, "I guess so."

At that moment Jerry poked his head into the kitchen, letter in hand.

"Hey Sakura! You've got a lett- Ooo! What's that awesome smell?" he rushed into the kitchen to examine the tray of muffins on the counter.

"Just breakfast is all." I shrugged, taking the letter from him as he picked up a muffin and turned away from us to lift up his mask. He made a happy, surprised sound and bolted out of the kitchen.

"Breakfast is ready! And it's awesome!" he called out to Ben, who groggily made his way to the kitchen.

While everyone else began eating I examined the letter.

"What's it say?" Sasuke asked, leaning over to try and look.

"Oh, it's nothing." I deflected, "Just an advertisement."

"That says 'from the office of the Hokage. Urgent' on the back of it." Sasuke noted, pointing to the spot on the note.

"It's nothing." I repeated.

"Sakura," Ben sighed around his coffee, "You can't ignore the Hokage."

"Like hell I can't!" I argued.

"What's the big deal?" Jerry asked, "She just wants to talk. You've done this plenty of times before."

"With the old Hokage." I countered, "I'm not in the mood to have to get to know someone else right now."

"Sakura, you need to go." Ben insisted.

"Yeah," Sasuke nodded, "You shouldn't mess with Lady Tsunade. You need her to like you or something, right?"

"I don't need her to." I whined. Everyone in the room, including Lipstick, stared at me unimpressed.

"She is going to know that you got this letter." Jerry stated, "What are you going to tell her? That you ignored it?"

"What letter?" I showed my empty hands. Everyone had a moment where they frantically looked around the room, trying to see what I could have possibly done with it.

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