An Invitation

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"Hinata." Deidara leaned his back against the couch with a groan, "I'm bored."

"Read a book or something." I scoffed, turning to the next page of my own.

"I have already!" he whined.

"You know, the nice things about books is that there's more than one of them." I responded.

"A lot more." Jugo added from where he sat on the windowsill to interact with his birds.

"Like, at least five." I smirked.

Deidara shot me a glare, "Okay, I get it, but maybe I don't like reading." he pouted, "This sucks."

With a sigh I sat up, turned, and leaned back so my head rested on one of his legs.

"Wh-what are you doing!?" he stuttered.

"Making sure you don't go anywhere and cause trouble." I hummed, trying to focus on my book.

He relaxed back against the couch with a huff, "Well, then what am I supposed to do?"

"Maybe you could practice your sculpting." I offered.

Deidara looked to the coffee table where his bag was, and leaned forward over me to try and reach it. After finding that I prevented him from doing so, he glared down at me. I aloofly changed the page, and he gave up with a sigh.

Jugo watched his efforts with mild entertainment, getting up to hand Deidara his bag, "You're like a cat." he smiled at me.

"Yeah?" I feigned disinterest although I had long since given up on properly reading.

Something came into my field of view, and I glanced up to see a centipede being dangled over me. I gasped, raising my book to shield my face before I realized that it was pure white. I lowered my book, holding up a finger to poke at the creation, "The detail work is really good."

Deidara groaned disappointedly, "I was hoping to scare you more."

"That's the most I've ever seen her react to anything." Jugo offered, "She doesn't really scare much."

"C'mon, it's a centipede!" Deidara shook the creation over my face, "Aren't you at least a little creeped out?"

"It's clay." I frowned, "It can't bite me, so why would I be skittish?"

"It could explode." Deidara pressed.

"But you won't do that because you'd get the shit kicked out of you by everyone else here." I deadpanned.

He dropped the centipede on my face, pointedly looking away. I picked the creation off and gave it a little toss, landing it right back in Deidara's bag. Jugo burst out laughing, retreating back to the window as Deidara scowled back down at me.

I was about to tease Deidara a little more when Kisame wandered into the room, looking properly forlorn. He face-planted onto the other couch, "I want coffee cake." he mumbled pathetically.

I rested my book on my chest with a sigh, "You guys really aren't used to not having anything to do, are you."

I only received a muffled set of sounds from Kisame, Deidara looking at him in a bored, unimpressed manner, "What do you expect? We were out there fighting giant demon monsters a month ago.

I looked up at him sympathetically, "Look, depending on what I hear, I can give you guys a better estimate as to how long we have to lay low for, but I don't think it should be too long."

Deidara's frown softened, and he glanced down at me, "Yeah?"

I nodded before smiling, "But this isn't too horrible, right?"

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang