Emotional Reconciliations and Revenge

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"Do we know the location of the original sighting?" I asked as we sailed through the air towards the Sand.

"All I know is that they were headed toward the Sand." the Tsuchikage sighed, "Couldn't give us anything more accurate."

I smiled to myself at the ornery disposition of my current companion, recalling the similar attitude Sasuke would have after he had just woken up, "We're nearing the village now. It seems we might have beaten them."

"One can hope." the Tsuchikage replied as we spotted my siblings, landing down in front of them.

"To what do we owe the honor?" Kankuro questioned with a slight air of sarcasm.

Temari shot him a look before refocusing on us, "I'm guessing it isn't good news."

"No, I'm afraid not." I answered, gazing out over the desert to see if I could spot any approaching attackers, "We heard word of the past Tsuchikage and Kazekage approaching here."

"Dad?" Kankuro's brow furrowed, and his eyes snapped to the horizon, "We haven't had any problems so far."

Temari stared at the ground for a moment, a pained look in her eyes before she looked to me, "What's the plan?"

"Sakura has methods to seal away the reanimated." I explained, "We just need to attach a seal to them and then immobilize them long enough to finish the process."

"So, that's what this is then." Temari's hand ghosted over a scroll at her hip, "I'm guessing we want to keep all fighting to a minimum then?"

"Yes," the Tsuchikage responded gravely, "The jutsu used to reanimate the past Kages makes them nigh immortal. You'd only drain yourself by trying to defeat them conventionally."

"Like we aren't already drained enough." Kakuro scoffed, "It's just been months of fighting neverending Zetsu."

"Would we be help to you, or would it be better if we stayed away?" Temari prompted.

"Hey," Kankuro interjected, "He's our dad too! Why should Gaara have to be the only one to face him?"

"Dad is just about as powerful as Gaara," Temari retorted, "We might just give Gaara another thing to worry about."

They glared at each other for a moment, Kankuro turning away with a defeated sigh, "Fine. You're probably right."

"I don't want you two to leave entirely." I finally had an opportunity to answer the question, "I might need help with sealing him, so I'd prefer if you'd stay behind me."

"Does that mean you intend on taking care of your father then?" The Tsuchikage concluded.

"Yes, will you be able to handle the other?" I replied in turn.

The man smirked, "Give me some credit boy. I may be old, but I'm certainly not useless."

"I'd never dream to think of you as such." I hummed.

A distant sound grabbed our attention, all of us turning to see a disturbance in the sand that was quickly approaching. I raised a sand platform for my siblings and myself, and the Tsuchikage flew up besides me.

"Let's go meet them." the Tsuchikage commanded, and we flew off in the direction of the disturbance.

Sure enough, as we approached a large column of sand came shooting towards us which I blocked with one of my own. The crimson hair of my father starkly contrasted with the golden sands around him, his harsh, criticizing gaze piercing through the slurry of sand in the air. I lowered my siblings so that they could stand back, allowing my full attention to be on my father.

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