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I stood in front of the familiar gaping maw of the secluded cave. Activating the door with a secret hand sign before striding in. I instantly coughed as the musty odor or the room in front of me was met with fresh air.

"Tobi doesn't think that this place has been visited in a while." Tobi noted, stepping in after me.

"I would certainly hope not." I responded, "This place is better left untouched."

"Tobi thinks it's scary." he whispered, cowering behind me at the sight of a large web.

"You're scared of spiders?" I flatlined.

"Tobi doesn't like them! They have too many legs!" he defended.

I nodded, "Most arachnids have more legs than they have any business having, but they don't have anything on myriapods."

"Myriapods?" Tobi echoed, a questioning finger at his chin.

"Millipedes and centipedes." I answered.

Tobi shuddered, "Tobi doesn't like those."

"I don't either." I huffed, "Creepy, crawly, muck dwelling bastards can keep a solid ten foot radius from me."

Tobi nodded, running over to one of the tables, "Tobi sees a lot of books."

"You might want to read one; it'd teach you to talk properly." I scoffed.

Tobi turned to me, placing his hands on his hips, "Tobi doesn't like how mean you are."

I mimicked his pose and tone, "Hinata doesn't like how childish you are."

Tobi thrust his hands down in frustration, "Tobi doesn't like being mocked!"

I once again mimed him, "Hinata doesn't like improper speech!"
With a pointed huff, he whipped around, marching over to the cabinets to begin searching. Opening the first one, he leapt back with a shirek as a pile of various animal bones fell out.

I walked over, leaning down, "Well that's odd."

Tobi grabbed my shoulder, pulling me away from the cabinetry, "Tobi doesn't like it here!" he whined.

"But there's a lot of cool science stuff left over." I offered.

"Tobi doesn't care about science!" he pouted, "Tobi wants to find what he's looking for and leave!"

I sighed, "Well, fine then, let's keep looking."

We continued down a hall, Tobi keeping close to me and jumping at every draft and creak.

Seeming to want to distract himself, he turned back to me, "Tobi has been curious about Hinata's relationships with the other Akatsuki members."

"Yeah?" I felt my heart sinking with dread as I wondered if maybe Tobi had rooted us out.

"Why does Hinata flirt with Hidan so much?" he asked innocently.

Oh... I suppose that wasn't the worst thing he could've picked up on.

I shrugged indifferently, "Because it's fun."

Tobi tilted his head, "Fun?"

"I like banter and making other people uncomfortable." I smirked, "Hidan lets me do both."

Tobi crossed his arms over his chest, "Tobi thinks that Hinata is quite mean to everyone else too."

I laughed, "Having a little fun isn't mean."

"What about Hinata and Itachi?" shit, "Why does Itachi look at you the way he does?"

"What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously.

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now