Bros Before Hoes

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I picked up my bag from where I left it at the base of a tree, training having finally concluded. I glanced at Kiba as he grabbed his bag, noting the slight scowl on his face. He seemed to get into moods like that quite often now, but it was strange how variable he could be.

He glanced at me, "Uh... you good?"

"Hm?" I realized I had been staring, "Oh, sorry, I- would you like to... 'hang out'?"

He blinked, a confused smirk breaking on his face before he snorted out a laugh, "What?"

"Would you like to do something?" I repeated tensely, beginning to feel embarrassed by my lack of social experience.

"Uh..." he contemplated for a moment, "Yeah, sure. Whaddya want to do?"

"I packed a lunch so maybe if you'd like to go sit somewhere and eat that'd be nice." I offered.

"Uh, sure." he shrugged.

We walked to a different area of the woods until we found a nice clearing and sat against a tree.

"A new teammate, huh?" I said, "I wasn't expecting that decision from Sensei."

"It's fucking stupid." Kiba growled, "What the fuck is up with that? We don't need another teammate."

"We need one so that we can participate in the Chunin exams this year, I guess. That's the reason she gave." I glared at him, off put by his anger.

"I... I know that!" he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest like a child, "But... I just don't like it!"

"I understand though..." I sighed, "Why? I... really don't like change, and I don't want to have to get to know another person."

Kiba looked at me in mild surprise, "Yeah... I dunno, I just kinda feel like Sensei's trying to replace her."

"You know that isn't what's happening." I stated bluntly, eliciting an annoyed huff from Kiba.

"Whatever." he pulled his knees up to his chest, folding his arms over them and then resting his head.

I pulled out my lunch and began to eat, remembering the first time we had eaten lunch as a team. I don't think I had ever laughed that much in my life. What happened to that? A lot of things I suppose.

I glanced back over at Kiba, who by this point had gone oddly quiet and hadn't made a move to eat. He was glaring out into the field, but his gaze lacked any focus.

He had begun to do that more often, fall quiet and space out. He would get this look on his face, almost like he was in pain, sometimes, and then just randomly snap out of it and go back to work.

And now I was looking at him doing the same damn thing again.

"Kiba if you don't stop that I am going to fucking bury you." I spat out, catching myself off guard with the amount of emotion in my tone.

Kiba's head snapped up, and he turned to me wide eyed, "I wasn't doing anything!"

"No, that's a lie and you know it. You were thinking!" I shot back.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" he glared at me, an element of bewilderment still in his tone, "Am I not allowed to think?"

"You know Kiba, when I first met you I thought that you didn't have the capacity to think." I began, letting all of my frustration finally be released, "But now I know better!"

I turned to him, passively registering the mildly offended, and still wholly confused look he was giving me, "You're always thinking! But about anything useful? No! You just let your mind run around and around like a dog chasing its tail!"

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