Migraines and Girl Talk

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My eyes fucking hurt... I tried to entertain any other thought besides that, but it didn't change the fact that my eyes fucking hurt and trying to think about anything else was just as painful. I must've looked like a freak, sitting outside of Sakura's house with my back to her neighborhood's wall as I existed in a state of agony and dread. This couldn't have been a dream by this point, I'd experienced pain in my dreams before but... this.

My salvation came in the form of a wobbling pinkett burdened by way too many books, and I stared at her in awe for a moment as I registered that... holy shit Katie was planning on reading.

"What... on Earth are you doing?" I couldn't keep the exasperation out of my voice as I made my way over to her, removing the top portion of the stack so I could actually see her face.

"Walking?" Came her all too genuine reply. Now I had to repress the very violent and desperate urge to hit something

I took a calming breath. "With all the books."

"Reading?" She answered with the same genuine bewilderment.

"Fair enough." I gave up on achieving any better or more specific answer, folding the books under my arm and reaching to take a few more off of her pile.

The studious look she gave me made me pause, "You have a headache." She knew all too well what me with a migraine looked like, apparently able to spot it through Hinata's features. I wondered if it was as odd for her to watch me emote as it was for me to see Katie through Sakura, who I at least considered polar opposites.

I managed a noise of affirmation, "Inside?"

She smiled softly, "I'll have my mom make you some tea." That would be nice.

We entered the house, Sakura shouting out a greeting to her mother before running up the stairs. How weird was it to her to have different parents? I hadn't given it much thought myself, I hadn't interacted with Hiashi at all yet, but something told me Katie didn't mind having parents who actually paid attention to her for once. Either way, I wasn't going to pry.

At last we were in Sakura's room surrounded by books and scrolls haphazardly scattered about the bed and floor. Sakura had laid herself chest down on her bed, book in front of her as she read, passively registering me as I sat on the floor and set my head on the mattress next to her free hand, which she promptly busied with massaging my scalp. Fucking finally, I might have not been one for physical contact, but this I was more than fine with.

Now that my pain was at a much more manageable level, I picked up a chakra control book to give a cursory look, "Glad you decided to study for once." I commented dryly.

Sakura reached down and plucked the book from my hand, which I would have been absolutely fine with if her hand hadn't left my hair, but it returned there soon enough.

"If you're not going to be nice, you can't have any!" Her pout was evident although I couldn't see her face, "Besides, you'll make your migraine worse." That was true enough.

I didn't answer that, not even lifting my head as Sakura's mother entered the room, carrying a tray if the soft clattering of dishes gave anything away.

"How was school today, girls?" Why did she have to sound so kind? So caring? I didn't want to be sad right now.

"Amazing!" I could imagine it was for you Katie.


An almost silent motherly sigh escaped the woman, "I'm sure you both did fine, Hinata." She then came inside and set a tea cup down next to me, "And I hope this is a good temperature for you, let me know if you need anything else."

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