Just our Luck

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I stood in the arena, still reeling from the way things were going. Naruto similarly was shaken up.

"I thought you said you were prepared." I tried to tease him but it lacked any bite.

"I didn't think I was going to fight you!" He cried.

"You mean you didn't prepare to fight me at all!?" My shell-shocked demeanor was instantly shattered by a bolt of anger.

"N-no!" he shouted defensively, "Why would I!?"

"You need to be prepared for anything idiot!" I ran my hands through my hair exasperated. I needed to think this over. My plan for Naruto was honestly a little unfair since I had helped him train for a lot of things. While he was creative, he was nowhere near as creative as I was, nor as smart, as mean as it was to admit, so out of everyone I could've been paired with he would be the easiest to outwit. The only problem was that he had some of the most raw talent. He was strong, fast, and had a killer endurance that could tire out almost anyone. The best way to do this would be sealing traps from a distance, trying to prevent as much hand to hand combat as possible.

In one swift motion, I threw out two objects. One which stuck to Naruto and the other which landed on the ground.

"Activate!" I shouted and the arena was instantly shrouded in dust.

"What the-!? Sakura!? What did you do!?" Naruto sputtered as he looked around wildly.

"I'm sorry, my husband, but this is a fight now! Activate!" The seal on Naruto began to glow. Perfect. Now I could see him and he couldn't see me.

Using the cover, I began to sneak around the arena, using seals on my shoes to mask any sounds. Keeping close enough to Naruto to make them effective, but not too close so that he would notice me, I began to toss around different seals and mark the ground.

"C'mon! No fair!" Naruto shouted indignantly as he groped around blindly.

"All is fair in love and war!" I replied as I ran up behind him and tacked a few paper bombs to him.

Naruto let out a startled yelp and whipped around, punching me across the left side of my face. I stumbled back, desperately trying to avoid my traps while regaining my balance.

"Ow!" I cried angrily.

"S-sorry! Wait- I'm not sorry! This is a fight!" Naruto took the opportunity to try and hit me again, leaping forward and missing my face by mere inches. I jumped backwards, trying to keep away. I just needed more distance.

Luckily, Naruto took another jump at me, opening the opportunity for me to duck under him, his momentum carrying him a sufficient distance away for me to activate my next trap.

"Paper bombs go!" I shouted as a loud explosion erupted from a few yards away from me, blowing the dust from the arena and revealing the space. I saw Naruto fly into the air and crash less than gracefully into the ground. He scrambled back to his feet and ran towards me.

"You're not going to get away with that!" he triumphantly shouted as he prepared for another attack.

"Or am I?" I countered as I performed my releasing hand sign again. Naruto's face dropped as the ground beneath his feet broke open into a perfectly cylindrical hole. Completing another hand sign an explosion released from the hole, launching Naruto into the sky again. He dragged himself to his feet again and looked around the arena.

"How many of these did you set up?" He asked hopelessly.

"A lot." I smirked, "And I have more."

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora