Brotherly Bonds

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I eyed the other pedestrians with as much curiosity as I was receiving, not that it was to be unexpected given that I was traveling with three towering masked men.

"Konoha is... nice." Jugo commented.

"It's why I wanted to return." I smiled, "But it was more for the people in it than anything else."

He nodded, looking off at the Hokage's mountain.

"The people..." Itachi muttered under his breath, probably unconsciously.

"You don't have anything to worry about." I sighed, "Seriously, Sasuke knows what happened now, and all he wants is brother back."

"You... you can't know that." he muttered.

"Dammit, Itachi," Kisame surprisingly enough interjected, "All the shit you've put yourself through has been for this one goddamn kid and village, and now that you are able to see him you're going to chicken out?"

Jugo and I looked between the two of them in shock, waiting to see what sort of response that would elicit.

Itachi looked back at the ground, "I suppose you're right..."

I shook my head, "Itachi, Sasuke isn't mad at me. I know that the things we did aren't necessarily comparable, but he's a surprisingly logical guy if he understands the situation."

Itachi nodded, "I... thank you."

Kisame huffed behind his mask, "You really are a softie."

That earned him a glare that most likely would've been pointed if it could've been seen.

"Now, now," I diffused, "Let's not cause a scene please."

I glanced around the streets once again, frowning as I noticed how people would make eye contact with me and then quickly turn away. It even went as far as one woman turning right back into the building she had exited when she saw me.

"Maybe I should've worn a mask too." I scoffed.

"You don't know, it might be us." Jugo offered.

"Right." I grumbled.

"He might have a point, kid," Kisame commented, "I think any normal civilian would be intimidated by three mysterious masked men." he shrugged, "And if any of us took our masks off they'd probably have worse reactions, except maybe for him." he gestured at Jugo.

"No, it's me." I affirmed.

"Anyone with your reputation should have that effect on people." Itachi stated.

That cut deeper than he probably meant it to, and I fell silent, electing to keep my eyes lowered at the ground in front of me.

Jugo slowly turned to look at Itachi, Kisame shaking his head.

Itachi just glanced back in confusion, but any further talk of the matter was halted as we reached our destination.

I knocked on the door, not too surprised to see Takumi answer the door, "Ah, you're here, good!" he grinned, stepping aside to allow all of us in.

I walked into the living room to see Sakura, Sasuke, and Kiba sitting on the couch. Apparently they were helping Sakura with her leg as she had a bunch of schematics laid on the table. They looked up as I walked in, Kiba's eyes widening in concern as my trio of masked companions stepped in behind me.

"Uh..." he glanced at Sakura, "This okay?"

She nodded, "Yep, they're guests, don't worry."

"Some guests." Sasuke frowned, standing up. His eyes were narrowed with suspicion, which only seemed to rise as Jugo quickly took his mask off with a sign of relief.

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