Father Figures

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"Lord Raikage," Samui walked up to me, surprise only slightly evident in her stoic expression, "Is there something wrong?"

I scowled at the horizon, "I've been notified that the Third Raikage was headed to Kumogakure."

Karui jumped down from where she was perched on watch, "Are you serious? They're going to try and attack us with our own?"

I nodded gravely, scowl only deepening, "It's disgusting; our enemy seems to hold nothing sacred."

"What is our plan?" Samui inquired, eyes also scanning the horizon for any approaching enemies.

"I will take my father down." I responded.

Samui's stoic gaze took on an edge of concern, "Lord Raikage, are you certain that is the best course of action?"

"Yes." I growled, shutting down any further discussion. He was my father; I was the Raikage now, and it was my duty to protect my village.

We all silently scanned our surroundings for any sign of an intruder. These bastards and their hairbrained scheme for world domination were already on my last nerve, but to resurrect our dead and twist them into tools to destroy the very villages they lived and died for appalled me to my very core.

"Lord Raikage," Omoi called from where he was perched, "I believe I have spotted Lord Fourth 20 degrees to the right."

I set off in that direction, coming over the crest of a hill to find my father was indeed standing in the clearing. Already in Lightning Release Chakra Mode, I activated it myself and came to resolutely stand above him.

My father glanced up at me, and before he could make a move, I leapt down to slam him across the face. He barely moved, going for a counter move that I leapt back from.

"Tell me father," I growled, "how you've allowed yourself to be controlled in this way."

"Son, believe me when I tell you that it pains me to betray my village like this." he replied, swinging at my head with his hell stab.

I ducked, countering with an uppercut which he leaned back from and followed with a roundhouse, "Where is your will? Why can you not overcome the control of such a vile man?"

"I have complete and total trust that you all will win; you will defeat us and save your villages." He launched a black lightning bolt at me, which I blocked with an earth wall. Rolling out from behind my defenses just as my father demolished it with a punch, I, in a smooth movement, stood and fired a lightning attack back.

This wasn't going anywhere; I knew that. My father's durability was legendary when he was alive, and now with an essentially immortal body I was going to have to have to come up with a plan to keep him still long enough to seal him.

My father's eyes landed on my missing left arm, "Where had your arm gone?"

"Our village is not the only one that has been targeted." I responded, taking the seal in my hand and rushing towards my father with a palm strike. He sidestepped, narrowly avoiding being marked, "It was taken from me by the First Hokage."

I rotated into a round house, my father grabbing my leg and throwing me into a cliff face, "An honorable opponent to be bested by." he mused.

"'Bested'?" I scoffed, pushing myself to my feet, "It was an ambush with the four past Hokages." I went back to strike him, and he caught my arm, flipping me over his shoulder and to the ground.

"There is no honor in what the enemy has planned." he stated.

"Then why are you letting them control you!?" I roared, jumping to my feet and throwing a series of punches which my father deflected and countered with his own.

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