Family Feuds and Cloud Watching

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Amidst the abandoned silence of an otherwise empty courtyard, the resounding clap of chakra against chakra filled the space with its distinctive sound, accompanied only by the occasional small sound of struggle.

I slid out of the way of a palm strike for my face, rotating in my dodge and countering with an attempted jab for his elbow. Neji, expectedly, saw the move coming, jumping back to only immediately move forward again with such a decisive move for my chest that my attempt to move back to dodge resulted more in me stumbling and almost falling backward, him catching my arm.

"Hinata, you need to focus." He stated with a slight frown and a firm tug on my arm to resteady me on my feet.

"I am," I huffed, using the opportunity to try and pull him forward into an attack, using my opposite arm to try and drive into his stomach, "Why wouldn't I be focusing?"

He reacted quickly, twisting away and breaking my hold on his arm, "Your moves are uncoordinated, you can't see that?"

Scoffing in annoyance, I attempted another advance, directed a couple strikes at his shoulders before trying to side step and maybe get him from the side, "I don't know what you mean! I'm fully here right now blocking your attacks and trying to strike back. I don't know what else you'd want."

"I think you're smarter than that," he replied, effortlessly avoiding my attempts and blocking my strike at his side, throwing me off, "You seem to be holding back. I don't understand why you won't strike with intent."

Biting my lip in frustration, I swung at his head in a more punch than proper strike, "I don't want to hurt you, alright?"

He caught my wrist, not moving to attack and holding it in place, "You are worried about hurting me? Don't you think that's a little bold?"

"I have hurt you," I argue back, ripping my wrist from his grasp and crossing my arms over my chest, "Like when I almost broke your arms, or that time I winded you, or-"

"Those all happened because of your sloppy and forceful form," He retorted, and I could've sworn I saw him flush a little in embarrassment, "When I'm expecting precise and direct attacks can you blame me for being surprised when you throw punches like the common barfighter?"

I grit my teeth; what kind of an argument was that? "And they hurt you all the same! Whatever the style of fucking combat it doesn't change the fact that you underestimate me and allow me to land attacks that could hurt you." His pride would be the end of him I swear.

"Well, forgive me for dropping my guard when sparring session after sparring session I am faced with poor form, artless strikes, a weak understanding of basic Hyuga techniques, and far too much emotion to focus any talent you may have." His arms crossed to match my own posture, leveling me with a firm expression, "In fact, you seem more distracted today than usual."

Sharp tears pricked at the corner of my eyes, Neji's own widening slightly as my fists balled at my sides, "How astute of you. I guess it's good to be reminded at times of my place, but my father has already done quite the job of doing that today, so if you could back off I'd appreciate it." I did a poor job of keeping the hurt out of my tone because if I had to be honest I didn't have any interest at all in training today, frankly I didn't want to be at the compound at all.

Neji's brow furrowed slightly, puzzled by the sudden wave of emotions being directed at him, and he shifted, "It seems I miscalculated again." He stated much more softly, "You are more upset than I thought."

"Yeah," I let out a half laugh, it sounding more sad than anything, "Well, trying to bond with your little sister who you've drifted apart from just for your asshole dad to come in and remind you that you're the failure that your sister doesn't have time for has a way of doing that."
Honestly, it was awful. I had caught Hanabi in the hall, her having a moment of freetime for once and we got to talking. It was nice, and sweet, and she told me about her training and how it's been difficult, but she defeated one of her teachers a while ago in sparring. It was a funny story, we were laughing, and I was telling her about my team and my teammates and the shenanigans of our last mission, when the paragon of dickery himself walked up, placed his hand on Hanabi's shoulder, and reminded her that she had places to be.

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