The Chunin Exams: Jail Break

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Okay... I just had to not think about how I just had a vision murdering Sakura and then all of my friends trying to murder me as revenge; we were going to do the second exam, and everything was going to be fine. But that didn't make it any easier to forget that image of her in my mind. Maybe I should beat the shit out of Obito for that after all of this was over.

"Hey, uh..." Naruto gently nudged me, apparently I had just spaced out hard core, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine." I sighed, not wanting to get into it all especially with Ibiki walking up onto the stage.

"Congratulations on you all for passing the first exam. Now that you have demonstrated your ability to think clearly and rationalize you will have an opportunity to apply those skills practically in this exam." Ibiki began, and I couldn't help but be curious where he was going with that idea, "All of you will be placed into a simulated prison complex. Your goal is to, obviously, escape without being recaptured. You will all be placed in separate cells, so, before escaping, you must also locate your teammates and escape with them. If one of your teammates is caught, you all lose. If one of your teammates cannot escape by the end of the day, you all lose. You have until tonight to have all three of you make it to an exit point."

That actually sounded kind of fun, but I also had the suspicion that mere escape would be too easy for Ibiki.

"In addition to escaping, you must avoid recapture like I previously stated. There will be patrolling guards throughout the facility, and if they spot and capture you, you will automatically fail the exam." He smiled, "I wish you all the best of luck."

"That's kinda a weird exam, isn't it?" Naruto asked, brow furrowed in confusion, "It kinda sounds easy."

"That sounded easy to you?" Kenji muttered to himself before clearing his throat, "Yeah, this'll be over with quickly."

I smirked to myself at his painfully obvious attempt, "We shouldn't underestimate Ibiki; we have no idea just how many guards are going to be there or how our cells will be constructed."

"Yeah I guess," Naruto shrugged dismissively, "I dunno how this applies to being a ninja though."

"Does everything confuse you this much?" I joked lightly; he really was a guy who just bumbled his way through life wasn't he.

Naruto flushed in embarrassment, "Jeez I didn't know Sasuke was actually taking the exams with me." he huffed.

I gave a mock offended gasp, "I will not stand to be compared to Sasuke!"

Naruto stuck his tongue out at me, and we glared at each other until we both started laughing.

Kenji glanced between the two of us in bemusement, "Uh... I think the exam is about to start."

"Yeah, yeah," I sighed before smiling, "Let's get this thing over with."


I gave the cell a cursory scan as I tried to assemble a game plan. It was a fairly typical cell, metal door on one side of the room, barred windows, and completely empty. The unassuming room might trick some into trying to use jutsus to break out, but the noise that would cause would draw a guards attention. If one was too hasty a guard could see them escape as well.

Walking up to the door, I gave a quick peek out of the window to make sure no guards were coming from either direction. Solid metal with an iron bar window in the upper portion, the door was sturdy to be sure, and breaking it down was certain to make a lot of noise.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I cracked my knuckles and grabbed onto the bars of the window, straining to pull them apart. They suddenly gave out, and I almost fell backwards as the bars came out of their place, leaving the window now an empty frame. That luckily did not seem to make too much noise, and, giving the hallway another check to see that no guards were approaching, I stuck my arm out to try and feel for the knob on the off chance it had some sort of external lock.

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