Establishing Trust

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I grumbled angrily as I woke up, hating the sense of urgency that compelled me to rise from my bed. Lipstick gave me a solitary lick on my face, as if she was trying to say 'you gotta get up'. I knew I had to. Kakashi had told me last night that Sasuke was going to be awake today, and there was no way I wasn't going to see him.

I crawled out of bed, getting ready as fast as I could and running down the stairs.

"Good morning, Sakura." Ben said from his position at the stove, "Going to the hospital today?"

"Yes, so I'd like breakfast to be quick please." I answered quickly, reaching into the fridge to grab some orange juice.

"I haven't seen your cousin since he arrived." Jerry noted with a glance up the stairs, "Is he okay?"

"Oh, him? Yeah, he's just super tired from travel, and he isn't very social at all. He'll need time to adjust to us and the new home." I shrugged, chugging my glass of juice.

"Poor kid." Jerry mumbled. He walked over to Ben, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, "Breakfast almost done?"

Ben tensed before looking at Jerry, "Um, yeah, it's just about done." he answered a little nervously. I chuckled to myself; they were so gay for each other.

I walked over to grab a plate, already shoveling food into my mouth.

"You really want to get over there, huh?" Ben sighed softly. I nodded, setting my now empty plate down, "Just give us a moment to eat, alright?"

As soon as we were done eating, we headed to the hospital. Entering apprehensively, I was directed by one of the nurses to where Sasuke's room would be. I began my walk down the hall, stopping in front of his door. What was I going to see? Would he still be the same person? Would he be mad at me? At Hina? Right as I moved to open the door though, it swung back.

Tsunade gazed down at me with a look that was almost a glare, "I thought I'd run into you here."

"What the fuck do you want?" I hissed lowly.

"We need to talk, Sakura." she sighed.

"Oh, now you want to talk? Y'know, my powers work in advance and not after the tragedy fucking happens!?" I growled.

"I'm not going to tolerate your childishness right now." Tsuande glared down at me.

"Childishness?" I sputtered, "My best friend is gone, my brother lost his eye, and my others friends are fucking devastated, and it's your fault!"

She blinked at me, taken aback by my outburst. She let out a deep breath, "Let's just go find another room to talk in, and then you can see him, okay?"

"You don't listen to me! Why should I listen to you?" I shouted.

"Young lady, I am the Hokage." she asserted, eyes narrowing dangerously, "And the exact purpose of us talking right now is for me to listen to you."

"I'm not in the mood!" I huffed.

"And do you think I am? One of my first actions as Hokage, and I've already committed a grave error. Do you think I am any happier than you are?" Tsunade's fists clenched as she spoke. I was shocked. I didn't know that's how she felt about the situation.

"Fine." I scoffed, "We can talk."

Tsunade seemed surprised by my sudden willingness, but nodded and led me down to another door. We sat down in chairs opposite each other. I folded my arms, trying not to seem like I was pouting too much, even though I absolutely was.

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora