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"Okay, okay, so, what if my leg had a canon in it?" I prompted.

"Like Paninya?" Hina asked, not looking up from her book.


"FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood character." she responded.

"Ugh! I don't want it if it's already been done!" I groaned.

"No one else would know." Hina glanced up from her book.

"But I'd know!" I whined.

"Okay, next idea then." Hina pressed.

"Uh..." I flipped through my book, "Sword in leg?"

"Also Paninya, but cool idea." she hummed.

I threw my head back, "Dammit!"

"C'mon, next idea."

"What about a leg that could release elemental jutsu attacks?" I sat back up.

"Y'mean like arguably one of the worst plot devices in that Boruto movie?" Hina frowned at me.

"Oh god, that's what that idea was from?" I flopped over dejectedly, "Why do my ideas suck?"

"Just keep going, you'll get a cool idea soon." Hina encouraged.

"But I'm not." I scoffed, "I can't just have a normal leg!"

"Why not?" Hina argued, "Why not just start designing the base leg, and then maybe ideas will come to you."

"But I don't even know where to begin!" I admitted hopelessly, "I don't know why but there's no ideas bouncing around in my head right now."

Hina set a book down in front of me, and I glared at her in disbelief, "Is this an anatomy book?"

"You need to know how actual legs work," Hina explained, "So maybe looking at that will get your brain going."

"I need to use actual science now?" I muttered in horror.

"Did you not before?" Hina asked incredulously.

"No!" I blurted, "The ideas just came to me, and I just knew how to make it happen!"

"Huh," her brows lowered in confusion, "That's... interesting."

"What's happening to my brain!?" I wailed.

"Calm down." Hina sighed, fully setting her book down, "You were injured recently; you might just be tired."

"No!" I asserted, "There's something wrong with my head!"

"You're realizing this now?" she joked.

"Ideas usually just fly around in there, and I can just kinda grab onto them from there!" I ignored her comment, "But now I have to actually think."

Her eyes narrowed in blatant bemusement.

"I have to try and think of something!" I elaborated, "I don't usually have to do that. The ideas just kinda pop." I did a little explosion gesture with my hands.

Hina looked off with a deeply pensive look, "Is there anything else that you've noticed is different?"

I tilted my head, not knowing what she meant until something occurred to me, "I haven't had any more future dreams."

"Really?" Hina's eyebrows went up, "That's so weird."

I nodded with a frown, "I'm not sure what's happening to me."

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now