Strawberry Donuts and Mango Smoothies

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I let out an exasperated sigh as we made our way to the Hidden Leaf, scanning the treeline for anything interesting to look at. We would arrive at Konoha in an hour or so, but that didn't mean that I had the patience to stay silent for the rest of the journey.

An idea popped into my head, and I flipped my bangs to the right side of my face to cover that eye, "Hey, Kiba, who am I?"

Kiba turned to look at me.

"Oh, Sasuke!" I mocked a female voice, "Can we go on a date despite the fact that you already have a girlfriend?"

Kiba snorted out a laugh, reaching over and messing my bangs out of the look, "Dude, really?"

"No, my hair!" I continued the impression, "How am I supposed to fight when I don't look my best!?"

"You're such a dick." he chuckled before tossing his bangs so that they looked more straight across and holding up his fists in a confident pose, "We all must do our best! I believe that with hard work you will succeed!" he ended it with a thumbs up, and I burst out laughing.

"Holy shit! That was great!" I then took a deep breath, jerking my thumbs back at myself, "I'm gonna be the next Hokage, and no one's gonna stop me!"

"You guys wanna get ramen later? I'm starving!" Kiba continued before breaking off, "Okay, okay, here's another one." He drew himself to his full height, puffing his chest out ever so slightly and placing his hands on his hips with the most fatherly, disapproving glare he could manage.

"Oh my god, that's perfect! Wait-" I tossed my hair this time to cover the left eye, turning to Kiba with a deadpan expression with as much 'I want to die' energy I could muster.

He covered his mouth before bursting out laughing, "I don't think I've ever seen such a perfect recreation of her resting bitch face."

I took Lipstick from out under my arm, placing her on the top of my head, "Now who do I look like?"

Kiba lost even more of his composure, "Shit, that does look ridiculous." He stopped in his tracks, trying to prevent himself from laughing before squatting down, resting his elbows on his knees and intertwining his fingers. He leaned forward pensively with a dead serious expression. There was no way.

"I do not look like that." I denied.

He stood up with a laugh, "You sit like that all the time."

"Fine then," I scoffed, taking Lipstick off of my head and walking over to Kiba, "Who am I now?" I went to pat him on the shoulder, pulling back and trying to act aloof while crossing my arms over my chest.

"C'mon man." Kiba brought a hand to his face while chuckling, "Give the man a break."

I reached up again to ruffle his hair, and when he turned to raise an amused eyebrow at me I pointedly looked away and placed my hands on my hips, "What do you mean?"

"Stop bullying my dad." he smiled.

"I can't believe how chill your dad was." I commented, "I thought I'd meet someone a lot more like your mom."

Kiba shook his head, "I think that was one of the strangest things that has ever happened to me."

I nodded, happily realizing we were approaching the Konoha gates, "Really? We've seen some pretty strange things dude."

He shrugged, "I dunno, that other stuff was kinda like normal-weird, but that was something different."

"Like the tree bomb?" I winced.

"We aren't going to talk about the tree bomb." he shuddered, "Ever. Got it?"

I raised my hands in surrender, "I'd much rather forget it too."

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