Somebody Get This Sweet Boi out of the Hospital I Swear

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I gazed out my window patiently, waiting for my scheduled visitor, but waiting was getting more and more difficult. I was lonely most of the time now, and while all the other Genin were able to run around and train I was stuck in the hospital. It was difficult not to feel cheated or that it was unfair, but I couldn't let myself give up.

A small knock on my door pulled me from my thoughts.

"Come in!" I quickly said, probably a little louder than necessary.

Hinata slowly opened the door, coming in and shutting the door silently. She turned to me with a small smile. My spirits lifted instantly upon seeing her, but I couldn't help but feel that something was off.

"Hi, Lee." she walked over to the side of my bed, "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing really well!" I beamed back at her, "I'm really happy to see you."

"Aw, I'm happy to see you too." she smiled a little wider this time.

"You can sit down if you'd like." I patted the bed. She nervously moved to sit down, "How have you been? I heard about the invasion. I don't know whether to feel relieved or not that I didn't have to experience any of that first hand."

"It was... pretty terrible." she admitted. I felt a little bad for bringing it up, but I was genuinely curious about what had happened.

"Did everyone get out okay? Besides the obvious I mean." I asked, averting my eyes. I hoped I wasn't offending her.

"Yeah, honestly I think I was one of the worst off." she gave me an odd smile, "It's sweet that you're worried though."
"That's right!" I gasped, "I heard that you were in here about a week ago! I wanted to go see you, but they said that you couldn't have visitors."

"It wasn't anything too bad." she gave a dismissive shrug.

"Really? I thought I had heard screaming down the hall." I tilted my head.

"Oh... um," she looked down embarrassedly, "I was a little... unstable from what happened. They tried to put guards in my room, and they wouldn't go away."

"That's terrible," I gasped, "How dare they station guards in a lady's room!" That made her laugh a little.

"It's no big deal. Sakura got them to leave for me." her mood suddenly fell.

"Are you... okay?" I asked nervously. Had I pushed her to say too much?

"There's actually something I wanted you to know. I'd feel bad having you think so highly of me... when you really shouldn't." she explained quietly.

"What do you mean? What could make me think badly about you?" I reached out to grab her hand. She whipped around to face me, startled.

"Oh... um... well," she stuttered. What could be so hard for her to say?

"Don't hesitate. I promise I won't judge you." I insisted.

"You can't promise that." she chuckled dryly before taking a deep breath.

"I've killed people."

I paused. What? She's killed people?

"Oh... wow. That's serious." I mumbled dumbly, "I- I mean..."

She nodded sadly, "I understand if you think differently of me now."

"What was the context?" I blurted out. She looked to me surprised.

"Oh... well um... the first time, my teammates and I were attacked, and the second I was saving Shikamaru."

"Well, that's self defense." I argued.

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