Back with a Vengence

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I stood in the lobby of the arena apprehensively. Waiting for Hinata to arrive. I couldn't wrap my head around the events that were about to unfold today. No one besides a select few had any idea of what was going to occur today, and the weight of what I knew was finally starting to fully dawn on me. I tried to keep it together as I tried not to think too hard about the horrible things... like death. Instead, I tried to think of the wonderful time I had yesterday with my parents and how we had an amazing breakfast, about how far Hinata had come with her fighting capability, and how to best defeat any person I might get put up against.

I immediately perked up when I heard the door open, seeing Hinata walking in with Neji and Hanabi. Her face lit up when she saw me, and she jogged over.

"Why are you bringing the baby?" I gestured over to the child, my tone uncharacteristically serious.

"She wanted to watch the fighters to see if she could learn anything." Hinata shrugged.

"You know better than anyone that she is just here to watch you." Neji walked up behind us with a scoff, "But I'll try and have her pay attention to everyone."

I gave Hinata a warning look, trying to figure out what she was thinking. She knew what was going to happen, so why didn't she insist they stay home. The look she was giving me back was challenging me to question her decision, but I also figured that she probably couldn't convince them to stay home without looking suspicious. Damn Hyuga stubbornness.

"So, how are you feeling about the matchups?" Hinata nudged me with her shoulder.

"I mean, it is a pretty tough line up that we've got here." I admitted.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Hinata huffed, "I'm not sure that there's anyone that I'd want to fight here today. I hope we got our work cut out for us."

"It's going to be fine." I nodded, "We'll do great. Have you prepared at all?"

"Of course I have. I've systematically gone through each opponent, including you, and have analyzed their fighting style and how to best combat it." She stated matter of factly.

"Even me," I gestured to myself with mock offense, "How could you!?"

"Look, I really hope it doesn't go that way." She replied earnestly.

"I was joking!" I shook her lightly by her shoulders, "Relax!"

"Have you prepared any?" She asked.

"Of course I have!" Once again I mocked offense, "What do you take me for!?"

"Someone who's never studied a day in her life." she raised an amused eyebrow.

"You're being mean to me!" I whined.

She rolled her eyes, but before she could respond we heard the doors open again. Naruto, Kiba, and Shino came strolling in. I held my arms out and Naruto bolted to me, giving me a flying hug.

"Hello husband!" I cheered.

"Sakura! Are you excited or what!?" He spun around with me excitedly.

"Of course I am, but I hope that you prepared like I told you to." I answered.

"Yeah I did!" He jerked a confident thumb back at himself, "You're looking at the next very prepared Chunin."

"Love the confidence, dude." Kiba walked up to us and ruffled Hinata's hair, earning a pout from her, "You guys are going to do great."

"You think so? Thanks man!" Naruto beamed as he excitedly bounced up and down, "When are the matches going to start? I'm ready to go!"

"It's probably going to be any minute now." Hinata sighed. I saw Kiba subtly take her hand.

"Are you going to be okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's going to be fine." She said without any real conviction. Shino placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hinata, I believe you will do well. Why? Because you are a talented shinobi, and you have worked tirelessly to not only control the mark but to improve despite it."

"Aw, Shino." Hinata covered her face with her hands.

"Damn, dude, you should be a therapist or some shit." Kiba chuckled. Shino shrugged in response.

Our moment was interrupted by the distant noise of the announcer above us.

"The matches are about to start." Neji concluded, "We should go. Best of luck Hinata." he turned with a small wave to her as he walked to the stairs.

"You're going to win Prima!" Hanabi shouted as she ran after Neji.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Kiba pulled Hinata into a hug, "Nothing bad is going to happen." If only he fucking knew.

He released her, and he and Shino headed for the stairs to the audience, leaving me, Hinata, and Naruto alone to walk up the stairs to the combatant balcony.


Naruto ran ahead of us as we apprehensively reached our destination. As we walked over to the stairs, the door opened once again to reveal the sand. With excitement I waved over to Temari and Gaara, earning an eye roll from the latter. To Hinata's visual surprise Temari smiled back at me, staying behind as her brothers walked up the stairs.

"Hello Temari!" I purred, "You ready for the exam?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" she shot back with a smirk, "I hope you put on a good show for us." Temari said with a wink, bumping me with her hip as she walked past. Hinata stared at me slack jawed.

"When!? You did not!? Did you tap that?" she whispered.

"No, no, nothing like that." I gave a dismissive wave, "She just healed me back during the second exam, and we made out a little."

"She swings that way..." Hinata stared after Temari in shock, "I am so jealous." She turned back to me as we entered the balcony, "You're crazy."

I shrugged before walking over to the railing to look down.

"I'm not ready for this." I admitted. Hinata shot me a look, not sure how to respond. Not that I blamed her.

"This is going to be really tough." she grumbled, "I'm not even going to try and downplay it."

"I just hope that the fights are the easy part." I pouted.

"I wouldn't count on it." Hinata asserted, "Don't get your hopes up."

"Why do you have to be a downer all the time?"

She was going to respond, but then the announcer declared the first match. My jaw dropped.

"That's why." Hinata answered hotly.

I was going to fight Naruto.

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