Maybe Things Aren't so Bad?

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Once again I had to don mourning clothes. Hanabi stood behind me, helping me to tighten the sash on my dress. I turned to her and fixed her hair. Reaching into my pocket, I drew out a black beret with small jeweled violets on it. Brushing her hair back, I fixed it in place. She looked up at me with a pout.

"I know you don't like having your hair back, but we're going to a funeral." I explained.

"I know." She replied, her face falling ever so slightly.

I pulled her into a hug.

"Mija, I want you to answer me honestly." I said, holding her in my arms protectively, "Are you scared of me?"

"No." I was shocked by the firmness in her tone, "I've never been scared of you," she turned away, "Except when I think I'm going to be in trouble."

I chuckled at what an eight year old thing to say that was.

"Well that's good. I just want you to know that I'd never try to hurt you." I adjusted the collar of her dress.

"I know." she in turn, adjusted mine.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I shouted, Neji walked into the room.

"Are you two almost done?" he looked us up and down as I stood up straight.

"Yes, we are." I took in his appearance, "Wow, mijo," I walked up and adjusted his vest, "You look really good in this." he blushed slightly.

"I guess you're also doing my clothes shopping for me too?" he replied with an air of humor.

"Absolutely, this was a perfect fit." I adjusted his collar.

We all stood there for a moment.

"I guess we better go now." I sighed.

"This is not going to be pleasant." Neji agreed.

"Do we need to cry?" Hanabi asked. I chuckled. It seems that stoicism was something that ran in the Hyuga family. This was going to be awkward for all of us.

"No, mija, everyone reacts to death differently. Some people cry, and some don't. If you need to cry, you can, but don't feel pressured to fake it." I took her hand and began to lead her to the front door. Neji, surprisingly enough, linked arms with me. I looked at him, surprised.

"I don't trust you to walk straight yet." he explained, avoiding eye contact, "You just got out of the hospital yesterday."

I nodded, a smile gracing my face despite myself, and we all headed out.


When we arrived at the funeral, my eyes scanned for familiar faces. I could see where my father was, but I decided it was best not to stand with him since he was with other clan members. I then noticed where the other genin were, and we headed over there. The question was, do I stand with Sakura? Would she be comfortable with me yet? I honestly had no clue.

Kurenai noticed me and waved us over.

"Do you want to stand with your team, Neji?" I whispered to him.

"That might be for the best. Will you be okay?" He whispered back.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." he released my arm and went over to where Gai was standing.

"Can I stay with you?" Hanabi looked up at me, eyes anxiously darting around the crowd.

"Of course, conejita." I kept my grip on her hand as I approached Kurenai.

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