Sakura gets a Vibe Check

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"What are you doing?" Gaara asked, having walked into the living room to find me latched to a very disgruntled Sasuke's arm.

"Being annoyed." Sasuke drawled as he attempted to turn the page of his book with his free hand.

"Cuddling." I beamed, ignoring Sasuke. I held out a beckoning hand, "C'mere."

Sasuke briefly glanced up from his book to shoot me a quizzical look, but decided silence was a better option. Gaara looked at my hand uncertainly before walking over and taking it, letting out a surprised gasp when I pulled him onto the couch with us.

Releasing his hand, I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him to my side, "Join us!" I demanded happily, heart soaring when Gaara relented and laid his head back against my shoulder.

"Why is this happening?" he asked quietly.

Sasuke glanced over at him, "Some people like physical affection so much that they are willing to harass people to get it."

Gaara glared at him in confusion, and I squeezed him lightly, "I like cuddles!" I clarified.

"So this is a thing... that some people like to do?" he deduced.

"Yep." Sasuke dryly answered .

"C'mon." I pouted, "You are enjoying this."

Sasuke seemed determined to not answer, glaring down at his book. I simply leaned my head against his shoulder, eliciting the smallest of smiles to break his stoicism.

The front door opened, revealing Ben who had previously been in the hospital. We all let out a cheer as he sauntered into the living room and spread his arms out.

"I'm back!" he announced, "Was I missed?"

"Yes!" I jumped up to hug him, receiving a pat on the head in return.

"I'm surprised you're out already." Sasuke noted.

Ben shrugged, "Well, having Lady Tsunade in town definitely helps things."

Jerry sprinted into the room, tackle hugging Ben from behind, "God, you're alright you idiot!"

"You call it idiocy," Ben huffed, "I call it getting the job done."

"I call it goddamn suicide." Jerry scoffed, tone dripping with sass.

Ben patted the arms wrapped around his waist placatingly, "Well, I'm alive."

"I can tell." Jerry clapped back.

I rolled my eyes and plopped myself back between Sasuke and Gaara, "Lover's quarrel." I whispered to Sasuke who suppressed a laugh.

Ben heaved a heavy sigh, "Look, I'm sorry, okay? It was the only thing I could think of at the time that would reliably trick Danzo."

"I know." Jerry conceded, "It just freaked me out."

Ben gently removed Jerry's arms and walked over to the couch, flopping down next to Gaara and ruffling his hair, "Had no idea that you could fight, kid."

Gaara avoided eye contact, "It was just something that I didn't think I'd need to use here I guess." which was technically the truth.

Jerry sat down next to Ben, "Don't you think that whole ground wall situation was weird though?"

Ben nodded, "Yeah, what was that about? It didn't look like any of us were doing it."

Sasuke's brow furrowed, "It seemed familiar to me kinda."

Gaara tensed, and I shot him a look to keep his cool, "Really? Huh, yeah, it was super weird." I shrugged, "It did help out a lot though."

Ben nodded, "I'm not going to question the help, and there's no use agonizing over it."
There was a knock on the door, and Jerry jumped up to get it, coming back to the room seconds later, "The Hokage wants to see you, Sakura. Apparently it's very urgent."

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