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I walked into the hospital room, setting down Lipstick as soon as I entered.

"Hina!" Sakura cheered, sitting up excitedly.

"Why did you ask me to bring you a can of beans?" I demanded, holding up the said can of beans.

"Oh, you brought it!" She bounced excitedly, "Okay, okay, open it."

I glared at her blankly.

She gestured at the can earnestly, "Go on, open it."

In a smooth movement, I activated my chakra scalpel and sliced the top off of it.

Sakura stared at me for a moment before brushing it off, pointing to the table next to her, "Now set it here."

I placed the can on the table, gently lifting the severed top off of it and setting it beside the can.

"A little closer." she requested.

I scooted it.

"A little more." she urged.

With a sigh, I gave it a bigger push, and she gave me a thumbs up, "Perfect!"


"No, no!" she held up a finger, "Now we wait."

I sat down in my designated chair, drumming my fingers on the table as we 'waited'.

After this moment of waiting, Shino entered the room.

"Shino!" Sakura beamed, holding her arms up in the air, "Just in time!"

Shino and I glanced at each other, at once trying to ask the other what was going on and realizing that neither of us knew what was going on.

Sakura held up a jar of what seemed to be some kind of fruit preserve, and, to my utter astonishment, Shino raced over to her side with an adorably high level of enthusiasm for him.

"Is this for me?" he asked, "Where did you get this?"

"The Raikage sent me a get well basket, and I know that you like apricots a lot." she grinned, "The basket happened to have this in it."

He held the jar to his chest, and I almost burst out laughing at how genuinely touched he was at receiving fucking apricot jam.

"You're the one in the hospital," he frowned, "I should be getting you things."

"Shino," she huffed, "You are the only gift I need."

Shino immediately flushed, almost as startled by the flirtation as I was.

"Okay," I interjected, "Just what kind of thing is going on between the two of you?"

Uh oh, I knew that grin. Sakura turned to me with a devilish smirk, slowly reaching her hand out. Both Shino and I followed her hand as she reached out to the table, placing her hand behind the can.

"It's time to spill the beans." she stated, giving the beans a push and knocking it to the floor... spilling the contents. Shino and I stared at the can of beans on the floor as Lipstick made her way over, slowly lowering her head to give the bean puddle a solitary lick.

"Shino and I are dating!" she announced with Jazz hands.

I stared at the beans for a long moment; not quite sure what I didn't believe more. I looked up at Shino, who was frowning at me in concern.

"That was your plan?" he asked, "That's how you wanted to tell her?"

Sakura nodded happily, reaching out to him.

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now